after a storm, i want to come home.

May 13, 2011 06:17



FULL NAME: Nicoline Sirène Angewyn.

DOB/AGE: 22.

GENDER: Female.

BIRTHPLACE: Avebury, Wiltshire, UK.

RESIDENCE: Formerly Aston Abbotts, now London.

OCCUPATION: Research assistant; student.


PARENTS: Vincent Angewyn (father), Nihal Ercan (mother; deceased), Margot Quillon-Angewyn (step-mother...sort of, see history; also deceased).

SIBLINGS: August Angewyn (half-brother, 35), Elizabeth "Libby" Sutton (half-sister, 33), Rhea Dryden (half-sister, 32), Amabel Angewyn (half-sister, 28), Cassia Whitby (half-sister, 26), Jason Angewyn (half-brother, 25).

EXTENDED FAMILY: This is huge, so go here.

ORIENTATION: 2 on the Kinsey scale.



PAST RELATIONSHIPS: Gavin Ryall (2006-2007), Beth Landgren (2007), Scott Sulyard (2008), Joseph Curran (2008-2011), Matthias Whelan (2010-2011).

BEST FRIEND: Raisa Balaban.

FRIENDS: Geoffrey Vernon, Russell Cole, Evie Murata, Iona Brome-Fane, Clementine Letterford, Serena Merel.

ENEMIES: Nicolas de Grieu (witch hunter), Matthew Whelan (ex-boyfriend), Miranda Holt (professional rival).


SCHOOL: Wingrave C of E Combined School

YEARS: 1994-2000

DEGREE: Grammar

SCHOOL: Wycombe Abbey

YEARS: 2000-2007

DEGREE: Secondary & College

SCHOOL: University of Colorado (Denver)

YEARS: 2007-2011

DEGREE: BS in Biophysics

SCHOOL: Imperial College London

YEARS: 2011-

DEGREE: MS in Astrobiology


YEARS: (Future; intended) 2013-2016

DEGREE: Doctorate in Quantum Biology





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DESCRIPTION: Nico is a young woman of twenty-two who frequently seems a good five or six years older, both in the way of her demeanor and her looks. She meets most of the conventional standards for feminine beauty: widely-spaced features, large eyes, defined bone structure with broad, high cheekbones, full lips. However, those features are almost exaggerated, with her big eyes being the most notable. They are bright green-blue, with long black eyelashes, and expressive. Her eyebrows are black, like her long wavy hair, and carefully kept well-defined, with a distinct arch. She resembles a lot of famous women and frequently draws comparisons regardless of whether they're accurate (varying from Liz Taylor to Megan Fox), especially since her general look--the light eyed, black haired, slightly racially ambiguous look--is popular now, but overall she's so strong-featured that it decidedly makes her not to everyone's tastes. She supposes that at least she's memorable and forgets about it.

Additionally, she's tall, in shape, and slim, at 5'8"½ and one hundred and thirty pounds. Though she's a bit buxom for her small build, most people would probably never know it due to her penchant for wearing huge baggy jumpers and loose-fitting off-shoulder tops, generally paired with jeans or short skirts and tights with flat or low-heeled boots. She's usually pretty covered up, and it's not uncommon to see her with her hair a little it messy--she's reasonably performative with her gender identity, and is conventionally feminine, but she actually likes those baggy jumpers. Currently, Nico has only pierced ears and a little fox (specifically the fox from The Little Prince) tattooed in red ink on the back of her neck. She prefers relatively minimal make-up.

FAVORITE COLORS: Emerald green, black, brown, teal, purple, white, blue, gray.





Nico has one of those natures that's two-sided, one half constantly fighting with the other. On one hand, she clearly wants to let go and indulge her dark side (which habitually crosses into mendacious manipulation), and when she can be persuaded to, she takes to it excellently, applying her intensity to a relentless lust for life; on the other hand, the rigors of her career pursuits and her upbringing firmly push her toward structure and logic. Eventually, she might even out and strike a balance between being inherently wild and being so ambitious, but until then, she's full of surprises--in fact, she frequently surprises herself. She knows who she wants to be, but her own desires often run contrarily to her intentions. Nico is very bright and an 'old soul', whose apparent maturity makes her seem considerably older than twenty-two, but her strong personality means she still has a little bit of settling in to do.

She is an incredibly driven, self-assured, even domineering least when it comes to her career. People habitually call her a "spitfire" or any other word that's (slightly patronizingly) meant to refer to a young woman with a temper. Her tolerance for incompetence is not especially high, and she would ultimately rather do all the work herself. Delegating is difficult for her. This thoroughness and drive create someone who is excellent at her profession, but Nico's personal life is more likely to be a wreck. Personally speaking, she is indulgent of friends and family, and usually knows a lot more about them than vice-versa. It's not that she's constantly introverted (this is only true maybe 40% of the time), but a lot of what she says is an unconscious misdirect. Nico loves beautiful things, being aesthetically inclined, and while she is definitely capable of appreciating urban pursuits and girlier ones, too, she is fond of the outdoors, and has an adventurous spirit that leads her to seek out adrenaline-stimulating activities on her own time. She wants to see and do things that are challenging, once-in-a-lifetime (or several), and different, even frightening. Nico used to pride herself on making sensible choices in her relationships, but she held back so much of herself that it became difficult to ascertain if she was really allowing any room for difficulty. Her most recent relationship was traumatic, something she misguidedly believed couldn't happen to someone assertive and previously so self-confident. She is still learning to cope and get past that relationship, even though it was last year and occurred in another country, and thus is wisely off romantic relationships until she feels she's back to her old, fearless self.

Even now, though, it's difficult to truly rattle Nicoline. Flashes of hot temper should be taken seriously, or at least she would say so, but they're not as worrying as when her anger runs cold and she has been seriously wronged. Generally, despite having a bit of an attitude, she's a very, very kind person, with an up-and-down approach to socialization: some days she's all over it, some days she sits quietly by herself, and is fine with that. She thinks a lot about politics, world issues, and measuring out her own principles; she used to say no matter what, she will stand up for what she thinks is right, and usually does, but recently she's questioned her judgment and it's made her worry. She also spends a lot of time analyzing other people and figuring them out. Niches and social roles are important to her, and so is understanding the one she wants to have and how to get it. Professionally, she can be absolutely ruthless in attaining what she wants; personally, she tries not to let these tendencies bleed over, because she's aware enough of that propensity, but doesn't always succeed, especially when she thinks it's the right thing to do. Her instinctive empathy was overwhelming for her as a child to the point where it was deeply unsettling for her new family. Eventually, she started to ignore and question her apparently problematic gut instinct, something that's left her confused in some dangerous situations, and something she needs to try to overcome in the coming year, especially as she comes up on her occasional bout of bad behavior. She endeavors to not be self-destructive, because she knows she has hedonistic tendencies and doesn't like them, but keeping herself boxed up with work results in a cyclic pattern: she works hard at the expense of everything else for a while and then there's a sudden, unexpected burst of what is probably best summed up as "oh my God, what the fuck, Nicoline"; people who have known her for a long time are used to it, but there's really no predicting when it'll happen, either. Her history section has more on how these bouts of really fascinating decision-making have impacted her life--again, she knows, knows that this isn't necessarily good, but she doesn't know how else to live right now. She loves her career, but it doesn't sate her need for adventure.

Nico does periodically go through phases of needing to be left alone--when she ran away as a teenager, it was related to feeling overwhelmed and emotionally smothered. She likes to do everything on her own terms, including sorting herself out. It has been observed by family members that she makes it extraordinarily difficult to help or find her due to this tendency to make herself scarce in order to do things independently; it is true they were not able to support her in the past with regards to the differences in her personality due to her supernatural nature, but they didn't intend it to be a betrayal, and she knows her father feels some guilt for not being able to be there for her. It doesn't change that she remembers as much, and it feeds into her mindset of being extremely cautious with what she reveals lest it yield confusion or rejection. She tells herself it's unutterably pretentious to believe no one will ever "get" her, her dual nature, her strange hints of knowing things she shouldn't, and her secretive ways, but she still kind of thinks that, despite herself. She is isolated, in many ways.

Her family is a huge part of her, even if she's relatively distant from everyone except a couple siblings--she visits them occasionally, but they're not close. Her differences are highlighted in being biracial, having different ancestry from the rest of them, being a lot taller and black-haired. There were definite periods of time growing up where she felt like no one cared about her and didn't feel close to anyone, which she internalized into a strong sense of needing to be independent and self-reliant; she doesn't think this makes her vulnerable, but she's wrong. Moreover, she does (more than she'll readily admit) remember her mother, who raised her until she was four, and the markedly troubled, poverty-stricken lifestyle they had, stark in contrast to the posh, rural upbringing the Angewyns gave her in Buckinghamshire. There are a lot of puzzles about Nico's identity, even more so than the average adopted child has, and she's becoming aware that things are deliberately being kept from her, as she matures. With her inquisitive, stubborn ways, Nico is not especially likely to let that lie for long.

OOC Info

TIMEZONE: Central.

CONTACT: PM or crit post.

PLAYED BY: Ceren Hindistan.


LAYOUT: enigmaleadesigns.

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