So I have been doing absolutely nothing or so it seems. Life is the same as usual. Sometimes I am up, sometimes I am down. Things are okay on the married front. I think if I could beat him up with a shalaly stick I would be great. He does this one thing that I won't embaress him by repeating cause we all know what a wonderful caring and BEAUTIFUL
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so things are good.... things are bad... everything is weird. I found out that a person I was close to was in a car wreck and her baby's neck got broken and died. **crying** My husband is going for a job interview today for a BETTER job! yay! I am selling the crap out of my Mary Kay. I had a $600.00 order the other night with just 2 people! I have
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I hope that everyone's Thanksgiving is going well and that you aren't getting too fat on turkey and dressing and pies. I just want you all to know that I am so thankful to have all of you in my life. You make my life so much better by just being in it. I know I don't get to answer all of your post but I do enjoy that bit of spark you bring into my
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so anywho. I am thinking that things are getting better. If we can get past this month on top then it should be smooth sailing. Things have been really tough on us and at every turn it seemed like we were having what little rug under us ripped away. Husband is really working hard... he has two jobs and will probably be fixing computers on the side
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