I’ve been watching Tiger and Bunny for a while now and I’m just not that into Bunny. Which is weird, since I liked Sasuke from Naruto (at least before he went nuts) and since their essentially the same character (dead family, multiple cases of mind rape by a trusted someone, committing entire life to revenge). But I just don’t like Bunny.
Maybe because it’s the main character. I don’t like Naruto. He doesn’t really develop much after the start of the series and for all his idealism, he doesn’t seem to have much of a plan. People keep asking him how he plans to achieve his goals, and all he says is that he has no idea but he’ll keep beating people up to stop the cycle of them killing each other (what the hell? Isn’t this what all those antagonists are trying to stop in the first place?).
Kotetsu comes off as much more friendly and understanding. You see what he’s sacrificed (his last moments with his wife, his relationship with his kid, the respect of the city) to reach his goals, and you continue to see him doing so for Bunny’s sake. True, he doesn’t have much character development either, but he’s already in his thirties; you expect most people to have a pretty stable sense of self by that point.
Bunny’s also supposed to be the hot and tragic character in the series. But frankly, Yuri is both hotter (face it, Yuri’s very pretty and bishonen, Bunny looks like Farah Fawcett if all the good points were removed) and possibly even more tragic. At least Bunny didn’t kill his own parents. And Yuri has gone on with his life (admittedly in a completely fucked up manner that’s unhealthy, but he’s a judge and has a real goal to killing all those criminals).
Finally, Bunny’s pretty damn static as a character. We’re supposed to see some evolution, but aside from one episode after killing Jake, there’s nothing. He never actually starts interacting with his co-workers, or stops belittling Kotetsu. The moment he thinks he might have to made a mistake or gotten the wrong person, he goes right back to seeking revenge. (So did Sasuke, but Sasuke has the excuse of being retraumatized as soon as he woke up after killing Itachi. Bunny had months to live without the burden of revenge and he didn’t learn anything from it.)
Almost everyone else gets more development (sorry Rock Bison!). We see Blue Rose move from being a punch-clock hero to actually caring about helping people. We see Sky High lose his confidence then regain it. We see Ivan’s background and how he starts to develop his own goals, instead of drifting along. Even Fire Emblem gets more development; we see some of the struggles he went through (struggles that are perhaps the most realistic and relevant to viewers) in the second movie.
I guess that really sums it up. Sorry Bunny! Everyone else used up your sympathy points!
(And I don’t care what people say, Bunny is not Batman. Maybe if he had become like Dr. Saito, working on his own devices to become a hero, or like some of the other heroes, and took the job to protect people rather than get revenge, then he’d be Batman.)