Yep once again copy/pasting my hots and nots!
Ok this is going to be a hard one because important things happend both with the faction and with the guild... I'm going to try and write it in a way so I can copy/paste on both forums, here we go!
IC Hot:
Getting my Deputy sorted, congrats Panda!
Relationship with Squiggle reaching the balance Tooka believes in.
The Fountain of Life being fixed, now Fountain of the Life Masters and Sash of the Life Masters.
Because of the above, woo new guild Iconic.
Despite all various times we had a lack of power, no one dying because of healers in-correctly using their abilities.
Spending some time with the faction again, although the reasons why are not good.
Singing times with "The Bard" and other Unicorns
IC Not:
Dredds Death
Ulhnasis's Death
Maya's Death
Saturday Morning not knowing where Squiggle was.
No one bar Panda turning up for his Deputy Trials
Erdeja constantly getting in the way of him sorting his Deputy
The moment when the circle swallowed the ritual team which included Ravenfire... it sent Tooka nearly as Feral as the Naga did!
If the guild policy meeting didn't go the way it did, Tooka would have left the guild. He couldn't warn anyone before hand either, this held a horrible shadow over him till that meeting!
Probably loads more I can't think of, this has been a mostly negative event for Tooka.
OOC Hot:
Goes without saying, but Seeing all you guys I love you all!
not sure if this a hot, not or neither, but yet again having a horrible time IC but totally enjoying myself OOC, poor Tooka.
Not letting OOC things get in the way of Roleplay.
Also starting on the path of overcoming said OOC things.
Getting to play Feral Tooka again for the first time in two years! Admitedly he had more control this time and could speak.
Roaring at the Transport circle while feral, hoping it would spit out Ravenfire and the Unicorns.
The Speak with Ancestor rite for Maya, very moving!
All the emotional turmoil this event... to my memory I've never physically shed tears because of IC emotion before now... twice this event! Dredd and the Maya rite!
After finding out about Dredd going back to the guild and doing the quote below.
Jamie playing Tapper's songs on the thursday. If Dredd hadn't died I probably would have missed them like last event.
GETTING TO SPEND SOME IC TIME IN MY FACTION! (I do still love you guys, but I felt I had to choose! While I was trying to do both I felt like I was getting half an experience, so I decided to go all out one... which one was decided by IC circumstances.)
OOC Not:
Not much. The Guild space was a bit smaller than usual so meant we couldn't really fit the meeting in there or patients at times.
The times it really threw it down I suppose but hasn't been as bad as previous events!
I really can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
I've left the quote out coz I can't be arsed to put it in here :P
Oh in other news, sorry to fans of the beard. My "Year of the Beard" is over and I'm now clean shaven!