Summary: One event sealed her fate and the course of history forever, but what would happen if it was changed? If what was known as fact was changed to fiction how drastically would history be altered, or would everything remain the same?
A/N: So basically this is a story of what would happen if one moment in history was altered slightly and how it would affect our beloved Tudors and the rest of their days. Put simply this is in essence the way I wanted it to go, and since I am currently without any means of changing the past I have decided to write it down.
For this story I will mostly stick to the show (especially in things such as appearance and age), however I will also try my hardest to remain true to History as well. In saying that I am going to note a few changes:
In 'The Tudors' Henry had one sister Princess Margret who married the Duke of Suffolk, I will not be sticking to this as it essentially eliminates The Lady Jane grey and King James from existence. So like in reality, Princess Mary the dowager Queen of France married the Duke of Suffolk and together they had 3 children.
In 'The Tudors' Henry Fitzroy the Duke of Richmond died no older than the age of 5, when actually he lived to the age of 17, I have not yet decided if he is going to die as he did in history, but for the present time he is still alive and well.
This story takes place in Episode 8 of season 2, following the scene were Anne found Henry with Jane on his knee.
As one cannot own the past I own nothing.
Chapter One Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 6 7