There's just a whole lot that reminds me of being 18 going on, especially in the past few days. Sleeping in the basement of my Dad's house in my old room. Applying for colleges and wondering if any will pick me up. Worrying like crazy that if they do I'll fail out 'cause I'm not exactly a smart kid. Wondering what to do with my future if no colleges pick me up or the Army tells me no. Spending a Christmas around the whole freaking huge Johnston family- they're all nice, super-loving, middle class people while I'm an interesting rock-and-roll kid. That makes me feel awkward. Spending so much time around my best old friends, especially the contrast between the two I've seen most and myself. Jake isn't adventurous anymore, he's settled down grown-up. Cher is still very much adventurous.
It may not work out for you but you can rest assured that your species is reproducing at an impressive rate, and faces no danger of extinction for plentiful generations.
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