So, I hope winter and depressing modd will be finally over.
There are so many GREAT things to come.
I'm really excited for the following months.
So, it's March and I finally have some things to do.
In the winter motnhs I'm fucking lazy, but if the sun shines, I'll be back :D
So, first of all I'll be going to see Pink live in concert. sadly I have to go all alone, but I#ll live. I actually think about dying my hair pink for the show. just for fun, because I can do it :D
So the next big thing, actually the BIGGEST in March will be the walk we're doing in Cologne. TBH I'm not so excited about the trip to Cologne, because I can't sitt still for 5hours on the train. That's really killing me. I can't even drink coffee, because If I drink coffee I have to use the toilet and that's just a NO NO!
Then, late March Brina will come and visit me, and we're going to see Jason Mraz und Marit Larsen live in concert.
And then April comes...big fucking great April.
We're going to see MCFLY in Amsterdam! I can't believe that we're actually doing this, also I'm really excited to see Amsterdam. I've seen it from the plane (okay, if you can actually call that 'seeing') and I got really interested. But the train trip will be even longer than the trip to Cologne. Ahhh...I'd like to Apparate, like Harry does :D Damn for being a Muggle ;)
On April 21st there'll be new music, TINTED WINDOWS cd release!! WOAAAAH, CANNOT WAIT to hear the new stuff.
May? What's going on in May?
well, first of all: Ben kweller live in concert. Duude, another train trip :D But I'll live :D
And then? Mcfly DVD release!! Def going to buy it!
Well June? I don't know yet. A Walk? would be great. Hopefully great weather though, I need to go to the lake. But i actually do that in April.
And then there's still some hope that EVAN TAUBENFELD will release his solo record. I just hope he does. PLEAsE EVAN!
(Why do I actually have to listen to bands, who don't even know the meaning of 'soon'?)
So, that's it for now..I just wanted to ramble and let everyone know that I actually have a life..but in the winter months I'm a lonely soul LOL