Title Photographs
Pairing Ontae
Rating G
Notes Dedicated to
abstractthots and
sugarcandy_x . Also to the people whom I told there would be a happy Onew fic. :D Not well written but i hope you'll still like it!
Onew likes performing. Singing and dancing. Jinki likes photography. )
Comments 9
somebody owes me a better ending. haha.
i thought it wasn't good but glad you liked it anw. :D
once again, thanks for commenting! (:
You didn't tell me you wrote a fic! I got a surprise when i saw "dedicated to abstractthots and sugarcandy_x" when i entered shinee_replay!!
But it's great!! (: Happy ending for onew~~ YAY! :D
" Taemin nods and tries to prevent his tears from falling.
But they still fall anyway when Kibum walks away. "
Poor baby ): It's alright, it's still a happy ending in the end!! :D
Hahaha, this is probably my longest comment xD
hmm, abrupt ending but still great? LOL.
but the point is happy ending for onew. xD
and i'm honored to have your longest comment. :D
love love this. im memming it.XD
i'm honoured! hahaha. xD
thanks for commenting. ♥
Awww, your fic is so cute~
How JinKi can forget Taemin like it ? Taemin is so cute ;__;
And I understand that the baby feels sad that his hyung forget him ! (I was so sad me too, because OnTae weren't OnTae anymore XD)
I hope that you will write about my OTP again ♥
Thank U !!
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