Title Afterall
Pairing OT5, Onew centric
Rating G
Notes Cos I didn't like my previous one and Onew deserves a better (although still not so good) fic.
Jinki is tired, he needs a break.
He's tired of being Onew, of plastering that fake smile on his face
He misses his family, he misses his friends.
He wants to get away from all this, and he goes to the rooftop.
He reaches the top and sees four silhouettes lying on the floor, and he knows who they are.
They look up when they hear footsteps and the moonlight shines on their faces - Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho, Kibum, - and they smile when they see Jinki.
Jinki smiles - a real one this time - back.
He decides he'd like to be Onew afterall, and takes his place beside Taemin.
When he looks up in the sky, he knows what they're looking at, without them telling him.
He sees 5 stars in a line, shining brightly with all their might.
He thinks of the members and decides that there's family and there's friends with him afterall.
And maybe he isn't so tired of this life afterall, and he'd still like to be SHINee forever.