1) Where did you begin 2009?
Lost. It was an interesting night up to the part I remember. It was cold, definately colder than this year.
2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
Annoyed, aggravated, and in Florida.
3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
4) How did you earn your money?
Keepin' it real, laundering money, pimpin. Ok, not really. Doing the same thing I have been for three years.
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
Yeah, but weren't no big deal.
6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
Why yes, most certainly did.
7) What did you purchase that was over $1000?
My bike, my Nissan, and a computer barely reached that. So, nothing.
8) Did you know anybody who got married?
Yeah, a bunch of guys from work. My brother got engaged, congrats to him and Jennifer.
9) Did you know anyone who passed away?
I don't think so, no.
10) Did you know anyone who had a baby?
Again, no. Pretty sure not.
11) Did you move anywhere?
Across the hall, because I'm that cool. Liz is a great roommate - much better than my last one!
12) Did you have sex?
With whom? I don't kiss and tell.. or do I?
13) What concerts/shows did you go to?
Cartel was one, Killswitch was unimpressive although HOB was cool. Offspring was the ulitmate show, #2 behind Nine Inch Nails last year, but of course I've always said those are the two bands I want to see play live before I (or they) die, so my list is now complete.
14) Are you registered to vote?
Yup, didn't though. What for?
15) Where do you live now?
5013 McClelland Dr, Apt 101, Wilmington, NC.
I'm here often now, so come visit!
16) Describe your birthday.
Insanity. Pool hall, way too much liquor, followed by more. Pure Gold, then I had to leave for Baltimore the next day. After like 2 hours of sleep, followed by a 7-hour ride up there. How awful to be the day after...
17) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2009?
Broke up.
18) What kept you sane?
Mountain biking, racquetball, and good friends that I can rely on.
19) What's something you've learned about yourself?
How much I enjoy the single life now. I know as of this writing I'm all of like three weeks single, but it's wonderful! Much better than I remember it being, so much easier..
20) Any new additions to your family?
Jennifer is now my future-sister-in-law-to-be-official, instead of just known.
21) What was your best month?
I've really liked December. Met some very cool people, got to see some old friends, and got cut free.
22) What music will you remember 2009 by?
Everlong, Shinedown, Seether, Cartel, and a few more. Nothing super notable right now comes to mind other than the Foo Fighters.
23) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
Jason, whom I've introduced to good beer. Yes buddy, Corona is horrible.
24) Made new friends?
Oh yes, yes, yes..
25) New best friend?
26) Favorite Night out?
Pssh, so many. There's been many good nights out, but New Year's Eve was pretty awesome.
27) Do you think 2010 will be better or worse?
Better for sure. Can't want it to be worse or it will be.
28) Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
Happier. Much more satisfied and aware.
b) thinner or fatter?
Thinner! I lost 24 pounds over the summer, hell yeah effort!
c) richer or poorer?
Poorer. Lost some money for stupid reasons, lesson learned there..
29) What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Plenty. Been some new places, bought a cheapo car, learned to mtb for reals.
30) Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Running many years strong with no resolutions, and no dissapointments from said efforts.
31) Did anyone close to you die?
No, can't say so.
32) What countries did you visit?
Mexico, Barbados, Curacao. Think those were the only new ones.
33) What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
Respect, or at least appreciation. I would like to enjoy things more often, and spend less time bothering to fix what's not worth fixing.
34) What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Jan 13, Mar 8, Apr 11, Jul 12, Dec 13. Think those are the only major ones date-wise, lots of good memories. Birthday, cops, crazy patrol, and break-up.
35) What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Not sure. I've been pretty happy about everything I'm accomplished, but nothing is crazy worth bragging about.
36) What was your biggest failure?
Wasting time towards the end.
37) Did you suffer illness or injury?
Got kinda sick in Baltimore, but that's about it.
38) What was the best thing you bought?
My Trek. I'm in love with my bike.
39) Whose behavior merited celebration?
40) Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Pretty obvious. Thanks, jerk.
41) Where did most of your money go?
Everywhere. If you graphed my expenditures, it wouldn't make any sense.
42) What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Buying my bike. I wanted to take it out before I even paid for it, they said no.
43) What song will always remind you of 2009?
Jailbreak, Thin Lizzy. Awesome song.
44) What do you wish you’d done more of?
Treated myself.
45) What do you wish you’d done less of?
Been so sure of what's not right.
46) How will you be spending Christmas?
This year I've no idea. Got lucky this past year and actually made it home, now I'm 1-4.
47) Did you fall in love in 2009?
Nope, was already, but fell out.
48) How many one-night stands?
I think I've run out of funny ways to answer this, so we'll guess and say eleventeen.
49) What was your favorite TV program?
My Name is Earl is new to me, and always funny.
50) Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Hate is so strong, there's a strong distaste but wouldn't say hate. Resent is probably better.
51) What was the best book you read?
Playboy Advisor book is really good. Lots of funny advice, stories, etc.
52) What was your greatest musical discovery?
ZZ Top, Thin Lizzy and Shinedown are awesome. Random is my nature, ya.
53) What did you want and get?
A lot of things, I've pretty much bought what I wanted and am happy about it all. In terms of things learned, I could go far into that but don't feel like it. Sorry.
54) What did you want and not get?
Trust and honesty.
55) What was your favorite film of this year?
I don't think I've seen anything that was most awesome.
56) What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
It was 21. That should be self-described.
57) What’s one thing that would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I'd say "knowing when to give up" but I'm not one to give up, so I'd be lying. Nothing, because everything happened the way it did so I ended up where I am and who I am. No complaints, because this is fine the way it is.
58) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
I did get some nice new clothes, and I rock the hell out of them. Carolina Blue Hurley shirt is still a favorite, even if I did buy it just to use once. I love it!
59) Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Tiger Woods sure had one hell of a run, that's for sure.
60) What political issue stirred you the most?
Bay of Pigs?
61) Who did you miss?
Hey, my aim is getting better!
62) Who was the best new person you met?
A lot of people! I'd hate to whittle this down to one person, so I won't name names so I won't get anyone mad. You're all great!
63) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:
I like how my mom said to me, "We're all the same between the sheets" but really that so isn't true; there's much more to a lot of things than just sex, or just a night, or just friends, or just whatever. You don't need to lie to other people to satisfy them because you're just lying to yourself then. There's no point in living your life miserable, so enjoy it doing whatever you like. If you know a good stress reliever use it to the best of your ability. Do it as often as you can. I found my mountain bike to be a great reason to leave the world behind and take life one hill at a time and that's how you should see everything. Keep your eyes pointed ahead, but still be aware of where you are at this exact moment. We invented Garmin for a reason - so you never get lost. Learn from others mistakes, but most important, learn from your own. There's almost nothing that can't be forgiven, stricken from the record, or at best covered and turned into something else. There are many beautiful people in this world to help you along and keep you happy, so don't bother to stick around those that don't. Wasting time is just that - something you can never get back, so make the most of it.