Just a small update on the castle.

Jul 01, 2008 20:37

I started working on the castle again. It just seemed like the right thing to do.
Still many many hours away from being done. :(

Castle )

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Comments 6

eggchan July 2 2008, 05:40:57 UTC
oh snap. it looks awesome though


thevash July 2 2008, 11:24:31 UTC
Thanks. :)



1000cactrots July 2 2008, 08:02:44 UTC
How big is the illustrator file for that thing anyway? I'm really impressed you went back to it!


thevash July 2 2008, 11:29:07 UTC
I am actually working on it in photoshop, cause I don't know to handle illustrator as well, and I just like PS better. :)
Its about 15mb. It really changes depending on how many layers I have, when I like it I merge them down.
I am sitting at about probably about 5-6k layers right now, most of them merged down into 10 or so.

Started it on June 4th 2005. ;)



tony_lt July 2 2008, 08:34:34 UTC
You pick back up the most random incomplete projects.


thevash July 2 2008, 11:29:39 UTC
Haha yeah.
I tried some other things last night, but this one is always in the back of my mind, an it would be nice to finish it. :)



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