About a strange dream in which i met Tori Belleci and later felt schizophrenic.

Aug 14, 2009 12:34

It's been awhile since I had dream that I could remember the details of. This week I've had two.

The first one, which was (maybe) Tuesday night, I dreamed that I had to go somewhere. My dad gives me directions over the phone, and for some reason I'm kind of irritated. I look around at the street corner I'm on, and it's some very sloped, very flowery sort of place with high curbs. The place where I live looks nothing like this.

So I start walking, and I come across a random schoolmate of mine, who is in a bit of a hurry. He says something to the effect of, "I'm kind of icky, but I'll hug you anyways." Then he continues walking along on his merry way. Somehow after this I end up walking through a factory, but I don't remember what happens in between the hug and then. The factory is like an obstacle course--for some reason, I don't find it strange that my dad's directions led me through such a weird place, but whatever. I start getting more and more agitated, because this is taking a long time.

I eventually get to the place. A dude with a German accent tells me off for being late. And then I woke up.

I am one of those people who believe that dreams do have meaning, whether it be that one is thinking about a subject too much, or has some kind of subconscious issue... but really, the German guy throws me off.

The second dream was last night. It started out fairly normal (at least compared to other dreams I've had) and then got progressively weirder.

I'm having a conversation with Tori (Tory?) from Mythbusters. We go into this new-age mystic-type store (I think he needed advice about something) that's in a basement that smells like carpeting. The storekeeper dude has us sit down at this bare wooden table, and somehow after that the dude talks to Tori about kids. Tori says something like, "Yeah, I have a kid... accident baby. Date gone wrong, if you know what I mean." And so the dude's like, "Let me guess. You were driving her home and there was a storm, so you got stuck at the side of the road." And Tori replies that it had been exactly like that. (...LOL) After that we sit at the table for a while, eating sandwiches or something. And then the dream changes, and I'm in my English classroom.

I'm not sure which part of the year it is--maybe January or February. But the strange part is that my English teacher, Iknadossian, is totally not evil in the dream the way she is in real life. And it seems crowded in her room, like there's more people than usual. But when I look past the group around me, I see that everyone in the room is basically a stick with a square picture of them glued on one end. This doesn't bother me. In fact, I see Daniel's picture, and I remember that I need to ask him something, so I start walking towards it. Then someone--maybe Fernando--stops me and goes, "Hey, that kid has your bag."

("That kid" is actually someone I remember from a fragment of a dream I had last week. All I can recall of it is that Dylan was in the English room for some reason, looking at the seating chart, and he said, "Oh, you sit next to that kid? That kid is a real creep." I've never actually met that kid in real life.)

And so I see this guy with really pale skin and a short mohawk shoving something into my bag. I say, "Hey, that's mine," and reach for it, but he doesn't respond. I lean over and snatch it, and he looks at me with a small smile, even though me and Fernando are calling him a creep. I reach into my bag and pull out bunches and bunches of bamboo skewers, and a notebook. It's one of the notebooks Iknadossian gave us to write down stuff about the Lord of the Flies, except it's got all kinds of notes and drawings in it. They say things like, "I think you should do this..." followed by a sketch of a person on fire. I keep flipping through, and there's all kinds of drawings of explosions and people in pain, and some really terrible things.

At this point I go to Iknadossian (she's not evil in the dream, remember?) and tell her that I need to switch to a different class period. Then I show her the notebook and try to point out the kid to her, but he's disappeared. I start crying, insisting that he's there, and a group starts gathering around her desk. I get hysterical, and as I flip through the notebook again, I notice that the handwriting and drawings starts looking more and like mine, until I get to a note that says, in shaky, faint writing, "Love me, and accept me as a person."

And then I woke up. As far as meaning goes... well, I'm fairly sure I'm not schizophrenic, but I'm starting to think that the kid with the mohawk was supposed to be a figment of my imagination. I dunno why Dylan and Fernando saw him, though. But once I got to Iknadossian's desk, no one could see him or remember him being there.

I'm more than a little disturbed.
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