Fic: Just Forget the World

Sep 08, 2009 14:01

Title: Just Forget the World
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG/PG-13
Spoilers: Zip.
Words: 200
Summary: Dean and Cas drive bumper cars, eat cotton candy, and win a goldfish.
A/N: A schmoopy conglomeration of deancas100 and the happy!fic I owe blackonice. *hand toss* I don't even know.


The first day after the world doesn’t end, Dean takes Castiel to the carnival. He explains the mechanics of bottle shooting, as well as basketball, and even wins a goldfish they mutually agree to call Dean, Jr.

Castiel gets starry-eyed at the ferris wheel, but even through the Apocalypse Dean is still dodgy about heights. Instead he redirects them to the bumper cars and teaches Castiel how to properly wreck a milk-carton-sized vehicle.

They get their tarots read - nothing they didn’t already know - and walk a while with cotton candy sticky on their fingers and caught on Castiel’s bottom lip.


Those goofy rainbow lights shimmering in Castiel’s eyes convince Dean to concede to the ferris wheel, and once they’re up he discovers he actually likes the exhilaration of flying.

When they wind around to the pinnacle and he leans over to kiss the cotton candy from Castiel’s lip, it's sugary and warm and familiar even though they’ve never kissed in their lives. Castiel looks confused, but intrigued, as he scrapes his teeth along a kiss-stained lip still sweet with candy. Dean laughs wide and bright into the air of a world that exists solely because of them, and kisses him again.

How I have this drabble open in one tab, and fic about the Devil raping Castiel open in another simultaneously, I will never understand.

fic: spn, schmoopy mcsappypants, rated: pg, pairing: dean/castiel

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