Warning: The following links are mostly absurd arguments about music and music production in terms of exclusivity and limited community releases. If you don't care about this, don't read it; you're head will spin.
The initial post which started the argument last week.
So I busted up my ankle pretty good last night. I think it's either twisted or sprained. It's the size of a russert potato and I'm struggling to walk. I'm either buying a cane or going on crutches to the show tonight. Of all the things to injury myself, can you believe it was while playing Flame Book
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Ok, so here's the deal. Go to this show and then attend the MUMMY AFTERPARTY! The party is at Ted & Jordan's house (home of Awesome) on Arrowhead and Ray. If you need directions, call me at 602-980-5358
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Soo tired from paint Warz last night. I'll post pictures later today (hopefully/maybe).
[song] Not much to say except that I heard The Go! Team last night courtesy of his iPod. I liked them and came up home to download their CD. Magnetic Fields is from a CD Pat O'Connor let me borrow 2 years ago.