Well. Today was...swell. Just swell.
Nearly had a panic attack in the AM, just to get things started off on a great note. Literally, I was shaking and as I tried to do a simple math problem I couldn't even focus. Brief explanation as to why:
I chose this day to ask a boy to our winter dance. Oh, that and I thought we had a trig/pre-calc test today over a chapter that we have yet to learn, but that's another story.
So basically I went through the whole deal...we'd been talking about music a few days previous and I decided to make him a CD and stick a note inside asking him to the dance. I delivered it today at around 9:30 am after much, MUCH panicked deliberation and stalling and goading by my friends to just DO IT ALREADY. I passed him several times in the hall, getting no reading on his answer. I was convinced he hadn't opened it yet and became even more panicked, knowing that another girl was planning to ask him to go "as friends" (she's secretly in love with him) and I had to hurry if I wanted a shot.
I text him after school, saying somethign to the effect of "look at the track names I put inside the CD case!" The reply? "haha yeah and I see there's a note in here too, but I'm just going with friends sorry."
AWESOME. Not that I've liked your for months and taken tremendous initiative this whole damn time.
So basically chalk up another failure in my nature: headstrong, trying desperately to get what I want and, in the process, apparently isolating everyone of the opposite sex. Just swell. How awesome.
ANYWAY...moving on. Guys suck, women should rule the world...we're done here.
Ran a solid 6 miles today, indoors due to some kind of untimely pseudo-blizzard that we were hit with. Worked out anyway as I have a huge portion of a novel to read and write a theme on by wednesday, which i have conveniently found on (slow-paced) audiobook. According to my Nike+ , I'm at about a 9-minute mile pace, which isn't too bad of a base to work from for the half-marathon this Spring, right?
Mock Trial:
First scrimmage tomorrow. I'm not even in the damn thing, but apparently they like to switch the works around at the last minute so I have to tag along for the 3+ - hour ordeal anyway. Did I mention I have a book to read and a theme to write? Yep, still do. Did I mention that if we DO have to compete tomorrow, I'm royally fucked? Yep, that also, very much so.
And on that note, I'm off to listen to the CD that I made with such optimism this weekend and brood over how much life kinda sorta sucks like a BITCH right now.