[The scene is now of Holiday's kitchen... Well, technically, it's Six's kitchen. Holiday doesn't use it unless it's something with VERY clear directions, doesn't involve fire, and Six is there to save her and everyone in the vicinity at all times.]
[BUT, Six still wasn't doing too great and, even though there were two other boys in the house, she felt obligated to find him something to eat.]
[Be afraid, Nautilus.]
[Thankfully, she is distracted by the new vase sitting on the kitchen table with a bouquet of
crocuses sitting inside. This obviously catches her attention, so she walks closer, noticing a tag hanging off one of the stems.]
[She looks at the tag, mumbling it's contents.]
To: Rebecca...
[.... Who-? Six was the only one that knew her name, right? Wait, didn't Rex know? She is utterly baffled, but... she still gives a little smile and maybe a blush.]
[Whoever it was, she appreciates it.]