Shape the Invisible [OPEN]

Jul 16, 2009 07:20

Who: Ratchet (redwhitensnark) and whoever is in the mood to visit. (Feel free to interrupt him.)
What: Nauatilus' head of medical has a lot of his processors. Rather than let it all eat at him, he decides to initiate a meditation session to further sharpen his focus for the purpose of bending.
Where: Northern District, outside the medbay.
When: Thursday morning.
Posting Order/Additional Notes: Tag in separate threads, please!

Recently back from a very early morning trip to the library, he has no desire to meditate indoors. Normally, he prefers his own quarters, seated on the floor in front of his berth with the door shut and locked so as to prevent interruptions, but Ratchet has found it easier recently to find his focus for meditation. With Squall gone on a trip home, Alex released from his room and no serious cases to treat at the moment, the medbay and the area around it are quieter than usual.

This does not mean, however, that the old bot's processors aren't a jumble of thoughts and data that could use desperate sorting.

Everything from his recent shift back to his seventeen stellar cycle old self, to Aaron and Solaris' warnings about Isis, to Bumblebee's disappearance, to Hooks' hand, to--

He stops himself there. They still have a little time to prepare for Isis' coming. Nathan said over the network that he would find and see to Jas. And honestly, better the Night Surgeon than the Autobot field tech. Jas' last known location would not have been one Ratchet could have easily gone without endangering all involved.

Sitting in the shade of the medbay alongside a fair sized tree, Ratchet huffs a sigh out through his vents and thinks back to the problem of simply being ready as a city, as a GROUP, for Isis' coming. He believes his words to Paradox hold true enough - there can be no divisions, no petty squabbles, no self-serving interests. No heroes. No villains. Just what is right. And doing good by the city because it IS good, even when it may be incredibly difficult...

All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity are easy. Stay away from easy...

His optics are shuttered. The backs of his hands resting on his knee joints.

There is likely no shortage of courage or willpower in Nautilus. What may be lacking is focus. A wide beam of light is scattered and pale until focused; turned pinpoint, it has the power to sear and burn. And what good is courage without direction? Power without compassion?

...courage without conscience is a wild beast...

Ashamed though he is of some of the acts performed in his youth, Ratchet has been forced to re-examine himself as a result. To be that young, brash and daring again...

What is perfection? Nothing frozen in its current state is perfect. It is the very nature of life to change and evolve. The universe itself refuses to remain still. A dance of Chaos and Order, the two revolving around one another forever. Without one to balance the other - Order to halt Chaos for a time so creation may breathe and Chaos to force Order out of stagnation - what good are either?

As old as I am, I am still changing, still learning, still developing. Nautilus has made this clear to me. I can be more here than I was on Cybertron, than in Detroit. I will have to be, as will everyone else.

The world around him falls away. There at his center - his own fluctuating spark, the energy constantly shifting and sliding over itself.

Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

...reality is greater than what we see with our eyes or optic sensors, hear with our ears or audio receptors...

It must be what WE make of it.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

† alexander wolfgang, † jamie hemeros, !open, † kyd wykkyd, ratchet, † prowl

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