Who: The Emperor Cyrus
azure_regis, anyone who shows up.
What: The Emperor offers an invitation for the Wakened to come and ask it questions... and truth told? It's having second thoughts. And not feeling so well. Stuff ensues, probably.
Where: The Plaza of Waterfalls.
When: This Sunday. At times.
The Plaza of Waterfalls lay at an intersection of one of the spiral-arm sections with one of the long, straight roads leading directly East - that is, if there was any sunlight in Nautilus to tell cardinal directions. It was a huge, circular plaza, graced in the center by a large fountain. The fountain was abstract in design, consisting of a series of four rectangular pillars in blue-white stone. Water cascaded down the sides of each pillar - hence, the Plaza of Waterfalls. The tiny, foot-wide canals which lined each street of Nautilus here actually crossed the plaza and connected to the fountain, and tiny footbridges allowed passage over each bridge.
At the easternmost end of the fountain stood Cyrus.
It was not tall, but there was something about its presence which suggested size and importance. It wore simple, dark blue robes which faded to cloudy white in coiling spirals, like stylized sea foam, just before its bare feet. Its head was bowed, and its fingers steepled lightly in front of it. It seemed almost in prayer.
Its face remained hidden by the hood of its robes, a few curling, blue-white hairs escaping, but little else visible. Even if it were not hooded, its eyes were covered by a thick, black blindfold.
Though it said nothing, it was constantly surrounded by the constant, low roar of distant surf, and sometimes its image seemed to flicker and waver as if it were under water.
It waited for the Wakened to arrive.
And all this was almost illusion.
Cyrus gave this impression, yes. But internally it was a wreck. It had walked to this place in a haze. It remembered...
It had begun early that morning, at midnight. The gray, featureless sky had been as gray as ever, but then there had been a flood of information. It had sent out the Call the day before, but it had not expected this. A sudden shockwave of information as the city filled with dozens of souls. It had stumbled, its head throbbing. Too much this was too much.
Threads. So many threads. Threads connected to it, a myriad of them, true threads of relationships that should not exist yet. And the information from them... it didn't understand. Nothing made sense.
It still had a duty thought. It had promised to meet the Wakened when they came and it would but...
Where was Jin? And why was Aaron... he felt like Ameras. And oh Light why was Solaris here Solaris shouldn't be here... and there were even traces of Isis.
Had they lost already? What day was it, what year...? And Nautilus refused to answer.
It sat straight and tall. And it waited.
[[ooc: also known as Hey, Haven't We Seen This Log Before!
Comments should all be to this entry, do not reply to each other's comments in chains. Posting order is first come, first served, we'll wing it from there.
*edit* Actually, let's have a little addendum - if characters in the crowd want to talk among themselves and so on, feel free; Cyrus is trying to address the crowd as a whole, however, and so she will be responding in separate threads.]]