Apr 01, 2010 18:59

SO, as you may have already found out from Siberia, Anime Boston is going on April 2-4th. So, hiatus for me until the 5th, because lol I am just not going to sleep those three days and will need to pay off my sleep debt.

And now onto something actually important.

To those of you who know Baccano!, then you know that Graham enjoys breaking things. ...A lot. Particularly cars. So with his arrival at Nautilus, he has become very intrigued at the huge GIANT ROBOTS WHO TURN INTO CARS population. He has yet to actually harm a Cybertronian, but with Motormaster's slight encouragement, and Wheeljack's explanation of how Cybertronians feel, he's really on edge to take apart a giant robot himself.

He's been in Nautilus since August of 2009, and so at this point (since his practice in bending has solely been focused on his strength) the post made earlier is not much of an exaggeration of what he can do, considering he could take apart a car in mid-air before arriving at Nautilus.

That being said, he at least knows he: 1. shouldn't pick on any 'bots that have been around longer than he has, and 2. shouldn't mess with any 'bots in the Western District, via more giant robot intervention.

TL;DR:  If any mun has the strange urge to have their robot attacked, and has been around after August, then please comment here, so we can plot. ...After I'm off hiatus, that is.


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