On book clubs

Sep 07, 2011 18:18

I just deleted my very first internet book club review (the one I did on The Name of the Wind). It went up about a year ago and every couple of weeks since I've gotten a youtube comment telling me how wrong I am, how stupid my opinions are and, occasionally, to go f*ck myself. The final straw came today with this little masterpiece:

I think......................................................i am going to slaughter people after watching this Shit stained cum rag badmouth a Fantastic book, flip me upside down and fuck me in the mouth like a pancake. SHUT THIS WANK UP!!!
I know that in a sense I am letting them win by deleting it (also I'm not sure what exactly they meant, their grammar and syntax are a little odd), but I honestly can't be bothered with that level of vitriol over a book I haven't read since I reviewed it (and, thanks to its fans, will probably never read again). I have other reviews in friendlier forums and frankly I am not in a happy place at the moment and I don't need the extra grief.

here is the news, internet book club, serious business

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