Well, the cable just got shut off. We're trying to get in all our medications and things before we lose our health insurance. They've already started calling about the electricity, and I told grandma that they can't let that go. But the phones are payed for, and the garbage collection. We can't get another load of gas. The buisness is done. My
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Well, it's been a bit since my last entry. I went out to Denver for a weekend, and highly enjoyed myself. Went hiking, got cuddled, saw drag queens, generally had a good time all around. It was wonderful
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I've spent the last two days or so thinking long and hard about certain aspects of my life, and I've decided that I am no longer going to torture myself over things that are out of my control. I am going to stop worrying about perfection
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I've had a nice, playful, uneventful day. It's the first in over three weeks. It's nice to know I couldn't possibly have screwed anything up today, seeing as I didn't interact with anyone outside my home and a few grocery clerks
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I have a slow ass connection. It has taken the better part of twenty minutes to download a plugin that should have taken less than twenty seconds. I need to petition the powers that be for a higher speed internet connection. Finally! I have to go set it up now. ::grumble, grumble::
I Love sabrecat, and I woke up with a great dream. When was the last time I posted a public entry about being in love with him? Too long ago
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