I have 2 hours until classes and it's killing me.
I need a car.
TEN Things You Did
(001.) killed 2 cars
(002.) bought a hookah
(003.) snuck out of the house
(004.) saw TONS of horror films
(005.) watched people play beer pong
(006.) went to a 7.5 mill beach house
(007.) met my new bestest friend in the world
(008.) facebooked it- met so many creepy people
(009.) got the box done (shhhhh!)
(010.) moved all my stuff into one room
NINE Favorite Songs of THIS Summer
(001.) Feel Good Inc.- Gorillaz
(002.) Hello Joe- The Beatstakes
(003.) Hand in Hand- The Beatstakes
(004.) She's Hearing Voices- Bloc Party
(005.) old metallica, don't know the names
(006.) Living Dead Girl- Rob Zombie
(007.) Bitter Sweet- Roxy Music
(008.) Cripple And Starfish- Anthony and the Johnsons
(009.) Pump It- The Black Eyed Peas
EIGHT Places you Ate at
(001.) Vacellies
(002.) sushi bar by the tanning place
(003.) dairy queen
(004.) five guys
(005.) para tai
(006.) moby dicks
(007.) alladins
(008.) baja fresh
SEVEN Things that Annoyed You
(001.) my car troubles
(002.) the past coming back to bite me in the ass
(003.) my father
(004.) vcu paperwork
(005.) the fact that everyone worked except me
(006.) coming in through the side enterance
(007.) whinny ex-girlfriends
SIX Things You Bought
(001.) Camel Twists
(002.) hookah
(003.) concert tickets
(004.) a new engine
(005.) comic books
(006.) hair dye
FIVE Things You Accomplished
(001.) got myself into college
(002.) got the needle thing done with
(003.) finally saw House of 1,000 Corpes
(004.) tied up all the lose ends as far as things from the past (Bai will get it)
(005.) managed steal a bunch of comics and DVDs from friends
FOUR Movies You Saw
(001.) House of 1,000 Corpes AND Devil's Rejects
(002.) Seven
(003.) Mr and Mrs. Smith
(004.) Land of The Dead
THREE Things You Wish You Did
(001.) spent more time with my mother
(002.) smoked less
(003.) not been such a tease to the wife
TWO Rules You Broke
(001.) snuck out of the house- spending nights at other's houses
(002.) illegal substances, blah blah blah
ONE Thing You LOVED About This Summer
(001.) all the new people I met!!