
Jun 03, 2005 20:25


My father, as some of you may know already, is adopted as are his younger bro and sis and his late younger sis (my grandmother could not have kids). I love my Grandmother Mertes and loved my late Grandfather Mertes, but I have always felt as if there was a small hole in my heart because I have no idea who my birth grandparents are and do not know if I have any aunts, uncles, or cousins that are blood relations from my fathers' side. Now my family has a chance. (yay). My mother entered information on this mans' website (Robert something....I can't remember). He is a P.I. who has connections everywhere, even in New Orleans, where my father was actually born. My mom was talking to him on the phone a few days ago and I listened to her talk. He said he could get a birth certificate (a real one- the one we have is fake, my mom and dad know this because his parents signed the birth certificate a few days after his birth, but they (or the dad at least) didn't know of him until a few months later; she didn't say anything cuz he was married.) He even said he could find relatives and everything like that. Unfourtunately, we are building up on our house, and we already have to get another loan to do that. We aren't very rich; my mom is a SPED (special education) teacher and my dad's going to the U to get his degree is the arts. (he graduates next year! YAY!) We don't have extra money just lying around...*sigh* The investigation will cost $950. My dad and mom told him it wasn't worth it. My mom said "maybe some other time". "MAYBE SOME OTHER TIME"!? What is she thinking!? It's not like going to the beach! You can't do this anytime, a new opportunity may never arise again. I may be sounding selfish right now, but I really want to find relatives. I love my aunts, uncles, and cousins, and I think of them as my family, but I have always had a problem of wanting to know everything. I want to find my blood relatives. I want to see where I get my hair from, or my crazy green almost hazel eyes. Or my figure. Or my heritage. I want to know what else I am. I want to know more about myself, about the family I never had. Most of all I want my father to know more about himself. I know he wants this, but he doesn't want to pay this much for it. I want him to be able to look at his brothers and sisters, at his neices and nephews, at his aunt and uncles and cousins, and most of all, at his mother and father, if they are still alive. I want to see them. I wnat to know my own family. This void shall never close fully until I get to see them. Meet them. Talk to them. Know them. Love them.
I need 950 dollars. Now. God, I can't write anymore. Everytime I write another line, I start crying more and there's a huge lump in my throat. Goodbye
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