please be honest and reply if you read this.....
if you are sitting there, taking the time to read this right now, thank you.
thank you for being the person you are.
if you were any different, i wouldnt like it.
you are you for a reason.
do not think any less of yourself because you are not "perfect" in the eyes of society.
i am not perfect in the eyes of society.
i am not skinny.
nor am i pretty.
nor am i perfect in every way.
my hair is not styled.
i do not wear makeup.
i am not a size zero.
i will never be perfect in the eyes of society.
but i am perfect to ME.
and i would like to think that i am perfect the way i am to my friends as well.
after all, i see all of you as perfect.
perfect in all of your imperfections.
just like me.
that is the only kind of perfect there is.
if you do not see me as perfect in my imperfections, please tell me so and i shall remove you from my lj friends list. because if you do not see me as perfect just the way i am, you are no friend of mine.
i am expecting you to be honest, and i would like you to reply if you even take the time to read this.
please, be honest if you do not think i am perfect.
i would like to know who i can say are my true friends.
thank you all in advance for your honesty.
it is greatly appreciated.
your loving friend (even if you are not mine)