This was a one act play I wrote for my SeniorEnglish class. I have just now finished it completely.
Split Graduation
Sarah - Main character.
Mom - Sarah’s mother.
Josh - Sarah’s older brother.
Miranda - Josh’s newlywed wife.
Dad - Sarah’s dad.
Stephanie - Sarah’s best friend.
Divorce. Sarah never thought it would be something that would happen to her family. Her parents had recently divorced. 2 months and 3 days to be exact. Her father has moved across town, but he hasn’t’ called much. She just assumes it’s because he doesn’t want to talk to her mother. Her mother tends to be quiet about the situation. Few times does Sarah have the ability to talk to her mother…
Scene 1 - - - (Takes place at Sarah’s home)
-Sarah enters living room, where “Mom” is already sitting down, reading.-
[Sarah]: Mom, can we talk?
Mom: I suppose.
-small pause-
[Sarah]: This whole thing between you and dad…
Mom: There’s not much to talk about, is there now?
[Sarah]: I don’t know…
That’s how you feel. But for the last few weeks I’ve wanted to talk about it, but I don’t feel like I can say anything to you about…well…anything.
Mom: I don’t want you to feel like you can’t talk to me. But this whole thing between your dad and I…
I’m sorry just talk to me.
[Sarah]: Are you sure?
Mom: Yes it’s fine. What’s on your mind?
[Sarah]: I feel like dad doesn’t care much anymore. Why doesn’t he call?
Mom: I suppose it’s because he’s sorting out his life. I know this isn’t easy for the either of us. Why don’t you call him and set up something?
[Sarah]: It’s just I don’t know his new work schedule, I don’t want to wake him up, or something.
-small pause-
Plus I think he should call me. How do I go from being his princess, to no getting any phone calls or visits?
And what’s going to go on next week. He knows about my graduation right?
Mom: Yes, he does. I sent him an invitation. Don’t worry.
[Sarah]: But are the two of you going to be ok together at the ceremony? Or should Josh and Miranda sit in between you?
Mom: That’s what I was hoping you’d suggest. I’ll try to remain nice around him. Don’t think we’ll fight. I wouldn’t want to ruin your day, really.
[Sarah]: And what about dinner. Would it be ok if we all went together?
Mom: Yes, I think we’ll be able to manage dinner. I mean if we steer clear of anything that has to do with our divorce. That might spark up some awkward feelings, for everyone. Miranda and Josh coming would make it easier as well. Is there anyone else you’d like to come to dinner? Any friends?
[Sarah]: I thought about asking Stephanie if she wanted to come along. I talked to her about it, you know…the whole thing. Well, yeah, I think she’d be the only other person I’d want to go with us.
Mom: So that would be how many exactly, Josh, Miranda, your dad, Stephanie, you and myself. Six, that sounds good. I just wanted next week to be perfect for you. It’s not everyday my youngest graduates. I’m sorry things are going the way they have.
[Sarah]: I know it’s not really your fault. But hey, next week will be great.
Scene 2 - - - (Takes place at Sarah’s school
[Sarah]: Stephanie is your family doing anything before graduation?
Stephanie: No, I don’t think so. Why?
[Sarah]: I was wondering if you wanted to come to dinner with my family next Thursday.
Stephanie: Yeah, I’d love to, but is everyone going? Like your mom, and dad?
[Sarah]: Yeah, they are both going, so are Josh and Miranda. My mom said I could have a couple friends go if I wanted, but I thought about it, and I’d just prefer for you to go. I didn’t pick anyone else, because it’d be odd, and you’re the only one I really have been able to talk about the divorce with.
Stephanie: I understand. But yeah, I’ll go with you. Have you picked out your dress yet?
[Sarah]: Yeah, I bought one a couple days ago, didn’t I tell you about it? I thought I would have.
Stephanie: No, you didn’t, but I’ll come over after school today to see it. We’re still on for the movies tonight, right?
[Sarah]: Of coarse!
Stephanie: Good, I’ll be at your house around 5.
[Sarah]: Ok. Hey I gotta get to class though, I’ll see you after school.
-Sarah and Stephanie both part, going to their own classes-
Scene 3 - - - (Scattered)
That next week…
Sarah’s family got together for dinner Thursday night. Dinner went well, and Sarah was pleased with the way everyone was together again. She wished so secretly that things would stay that way. That she could live in that night forever.
After dinner they all went to the graduation. Sarah looked beautiful. She was again in a trance. Everyone was there. She had gone through so much in those 4 years of high school. And now it had come to an end. Things would be different. She walked the stage, she was cheered on, living in a moment that she would remember forever. However reality struck once it was over, her dad offered to take her and Stephanie home. Sarah gladly accepted the offer. She was happy that he dad wanted to spend at least a little more time with her. After dropping Stephanie off at home, Sarah had the moment she had waited for. She sat for a second thinking about all she wanted to say. How was she going to word things, and then it came to her…
[Sarah]: I’m glad you came tonight…
-Sarah sighs-
Dad: I know we haven't been able to do much since everything started happening. I would never miss your graduation though. I'm so proud of you.
[Sarah]: Well, I just thought that you would call, I mean it’s been what, 2 months now, and tonight was the first night we really got to spend any time together. So, what, you've been really busy or something? You haven’t called…you haven't stopped by...
Dad: It’s not like I was doing this purposely to hurt you. I’ve been meaning to call and get together with you...but things are tough right now Sarah. I've got a hectic schedule, and you're in school. I have no idea what you like to do anymore...what could I do?
[Sarah]: But what makes you think it is easy for me, not hearing from you?
We would have managed something.
Look, I don’t want to fight, ok? I just want us to be able to get together. I am getting a job this summer. Other than that, I will be open. Can we start planning things?
Dad: Yes, we’ll defiantly start getting together. I’m sorry things have turned out the way they have. I’ll change though. I will.
[Sarah]: Thank you for that…
-The car pulls up to Sarah’s house, they are quiet for a second or so, neither of them knows what to say-
[Sarah]: I guess I’ll call you either tomorrow, or in a couple days, ok?
Dad: That’ll be good. We’ll start planning…I’ll talk to you then. I love you, Sarah. Always remember that.
[Sarah]: I love you too, dad. Bye…
Dad: Bye.
-Sarah exits the car, and walks slowly up to her house-
[Sarah] - Side, while walking -
I doubt he’ll call. I I wish he would. I’m confused. He’ll tell me one thing, and then doesn’t follow through. It would figure. It’s surprising how life can take such a turn in a small amount of time. I mean, last summer we were happy. We seemed to be the perfect family. Divorce never crossed my mind. My parents go to church, have jobs, love their children, isn’t that enough? Obviously not. He’ll call though, he’s my dad, he has to make time for me. I mean, he came tonight, right? There wasn’t any arguing at dinner, or the ceremony, maybe he is trying. Maybe as a family we can work something out. I know I’ll do my part, I hate to rely on others to do theirs…but they must. I don’t know what I’ll do if he doesn’t call, if he doesn’t start being my dad again. Goodness, what is there to do? I guess I’ll just wait. I hate this though, we’re like the rest of America. A broken family.
-Sarah opens the front door and walks in-
[Sarah] - Mom where’s the phone, I’m calling Stephanie…