Title: Soaring And Crashing (Part 1)
Fandom: The A-Team (series)
Characters/pairings: Hannibal/BA/Murdock/Face; any and all combinations mentioned
Rating: R
Summary: Murdock has been left alone in the VA hospital for a really long time. Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that the team has just connected the dots between the pairings
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Comments 12
I shall await the next part with the utmost enthusiasm.
Glad you like so far! We'll see how this baby goes...
Didn't know you liked QI! I work there. Just sayin'.
Now, off to my bed! :-)
...And do you have any jobs going?
Sleep time for me too. G'night!
This one's going to be slow-going (it cuts a little close to home), but more is in the works!
And did I mention, cliffhanger much?
And the part for the three other guys is spot on as well! I can just see the scene play out in front of my inner eye! COOL!
I'm very relieved to hear you like Murdock in this. I find him so difficult to write, because I haven't pinned him down properly yet. He's a slippery little bugger, that one!
I love first person too My true love is second person, but I haven't been brave enough to bring that to this fandom yet... it doesn't seem to fit so well. Second person works best when there's an element of other-worldlyness to the canon.
Second person POV? Is something like "You think you can't do this. You should probably think about it again. Your friends will never agree." ?
I write in whatever style my muse wants to. In the Sherlock Holmes fandom of course first person POV was normal since ACD wrote the original in that POV. I just heard that some readers just don't like it. Some people also don't like to read stuff that's written in present tense. For me it doesn't matter as long as the author is good. And we seem to have ALL brilliant authors in the A-Team fandom. I didn't find a bad story so far :D
There was a discussion on my flist about PoV in Sherlock Holmes fandom recently. If I write in that fandom, I do not write as Watson in first person, and I know a few others who don't either. I haven't pinned down why yet... need to write more in that fandom at some point.
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