Title: Soaring And Crashing (Part 2)
Fandom: The A-Team (series)
Characters/pairings: Hannibal/BA/Murdock/Face; any and all combinations mentioned
Rating: R
Summary: Murdock has been left alone in the VA hospital for a really long time. Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that the team has just connected the dots between the pairings
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Comments 3
So sad that Murdock doesn't know what to make for Face. So very right how he thinks about their special relationship about the not so strong guys sticking together (That's what I think too when I watch the series). Loved the "cuddliness" and the "Hannibalness".
It's also awesome how you write Face. All soldier, concentrating on his surroundings, on Hannibal's words. How they know each other so well to talk in code.
I really wonder when Murdock comes to the conclusion that there MIGHT have happened something to them! *so please, begging for more soooooon* (I know thoug, that one can't rush a muse...)
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