The real world kinda sucks lately, because there's drama in the workforce and I don't understand why. There's five of us in the grooming salon now, and for the longest time, we had a wonderful family sort of dynamic. We were "sister" and "brother" and "mother" and "nephew" and we got along and took turns buying lunch and helped each other out and watched each others' backs....
I dunno, maybe familiarity really breeds contempt? There's been some serious antagonism that cropped up between two individuals in particular, and the whole salon is feeling the fallout. And it's over total BS. I'm not directly involved, but everyone seems to still like me and talk to me even though I'm the assistant manager and have to be a tattle-tale because those were my instructions, but that means I hear all the he-said-she-said and I just can't imagine that anybody is lying. I think everyone's in the wrong in some part and it's all based out of some horrible misunderstanding, but it's not my place to get involved.
The stress is horrible, though. We were family. Why are we not family anymore? Where did that dynamic go? It had me crying in the back room Sunday night, after half-witnessing a spat of raised voices and an early departure. Even if no one's directly mad at me, I hate it when people around me, who I all still like, aren't getting along.
Yes, I've talked to the overall store managers about it and the situation is being addressed, but, ugh. I want things to go back the way they used to be and don't know if that'll happen.
But you know, I always say things happen for a reason, and as silly as it may be,
the_devils_see keeps me smiling. It's what I look forward to every day and pray for moments when I can sneak off with my BlackBerry at work (as part of the drama, phones are really being cracked down on) to get off a quick post or two.
I've been there just over a week now and have had such an awesome time. A big event plot started up pretty much right when I arrived and I managed to get in on it to great effect. My interactions with my sole canonmate are delightful and it's so great to finally have a fellow Starry☆Sky fangirl I can derp out with ::waaaaaves at
enekoro_sama:: And I've also had some lovely threads with other players, long and short alike, proving that you don't have to be canonmates to thread well.
My sleeping patterns have even adjusted, rather crazily, to allow me to be awake for late-night/early-morning spurts where players on the other side of the world get to tagging. Some nights I'm taking two longish powernaps rather than sleeping through, because when I hear my BlackBerry buzz with an arrived mail, I am UP and RESPONDING because otherwise my brain will be playing it through my head despite myself and I won't sleep anyway.
I'm extremely pleased with my choice of Naoshi Haruki as the Starry☆Sky boy I decided to take on. He just might be one of the most fun characters I've ever played. His emotional range is all over the chart and he's an absolute joy to get IC for. Over-reactions are in character, and my first impulses usually feel "right". My new fangirl buddy even says my portrayal of him is the reason she now likes him as a character, which has got to be the hugest RP compliment I've ever gotten. <3
I love the setting. A lot of "what's going on?" appears to be left in the player's hands, and events are more like plot-fodder than strict guidelines. Not once did a mod step into my event threads with Homare-mun and Alanna-mun to say we had to do this or that or that we wur doin it rong. As I see it, the setting has great creative freedom, but at the same time, enough guided input to keep it from getting stale.
Can't wait for my Naoshi to get out of the hospital so I can do that much more with him. \o/