Title: The Other Woman
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Characters: You'll find out.
Rating: General audiences
Length: 264 words
Summary: She'll always be the Other Woman, so far as I'm concerned.
Notes: Originally posted at
fic_on_demand for
partner betrayal request.
The Other Woman
We were just nearly ready to go. He would get a scant few more things loaded, and then we would be on our way. Our first trip together with Him at the wheel. I was so excited, I could hardly stay still. It was a beautiful morning.
Then one of His friends came up, said something, and I began to get leery. I stiffened a little, hoping He'd notice. He flashed me a look as He turned out to see another of the boys hurrying toward Him, waving his arms and shouting.
Oh. It was about her. Well, I was ruffled and cranky, but I let them in anyway. We went off, to save His Other Woman.
She'll always be the Other Woman, so far as I'm concerned. Prettier, better-dressed, more majestic, and she's got the better name behind her. I'm... quicker. I'm flexible and agile, and I sparkle. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not just a flash in the pan, really.
Well we came to her aid, to her side, and they all went over to join her, leaving me alone and vulnerable to whatever had threatened His Lady.
So be it; when the other two came over, ruffians though they looked, I put up no fuss. I shivered a little when they cut my ropes, but that's to be expected from anyone. Me? I'd been scorned, and I wanted to make Him as jealous as He'd made me.
So I cut through the water with a cold smile, and saw that the cry of, "Sailors! Back to the Interceptor!" came too late.