Name:: lisa
Nicknames:: umm, liser, lisa pizza. and arena. those are the main ones, but there's more.
Age:: thirteen.
Location:: hauppauge, ny
Sexual Prefrence:: hetero
Bands (list at least 10)::
+Daphne Loves Derby
+Patent Pending
+Taking Back Sunday
+No Use for a Name
+Paint by Numbers
+Saves the Day
+My Chemical Romance
+Boys Night Out
+Midnight Highway- Daphne Loves Derby
+My Girl- The Temptations
+Decemberween- Patent Pending
+Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( yeah, OK, it's childish. but classic. )
+Fight Club
+The Breakfast Club
TV Shows::
+Family Guy
+Dedicate Live
Everything too daring to say to you
will be said in this letter, and burned away
so you never realize, i'm here. ( daphne loves derby )
+Go Ask Alice
Color:: emerald green
Quote:: "Let me know if i say anything that offends you, i might want to offend you later."
Sex:: well, it comes with baggae and emotional/physical stuff but if you can handle it, then good for you.
Self-Mutilation:: ( sigh ) my most hated question. it's crappy, but i used to. whatever.
Abortion:: I'm against it unless you're either raped or way too young to be having a baby.
War:: I don't see the point of the war in Iraq right now, call me stupid. I don't like war in general.
President Bush:: Against.
Music Today:: It's a little too.. i don't know. Just a little too much about sex. Ya know?
Emo Music:: ..is the shizzle.
(please post at least 2 of each)
Self Photography:: Of myself? Ergh.
(no, i don't actually wear glasses)
Something You Find Intriguing::
( piano keys make me think, idk why. they're pretty at this angle. )
Significant Other (optional):: ..nope.
Idol(s):: Well.. Bobby. From Bobby's World. He's amazing. But in real life, like, real person, I don't have one, specifically. Just people who are commited, determined, etc.
Where You Found The Community:: Umm,
die_a_lil_more commented in my old LJ, and kristen told me to, so i did.
Promote in 2 places (show links please!)::
http://www.livejournal.com/users/kissedbysteal/6426.html?view=4634#t4634 and