
Jul 19, 2006 16:40

sooo id like to take a moment out of my rediculously busy life to write a small entry about whats been pissing me off lately. i love all of my friends soooo much, they really mean the world to me. the fact that work is taking over my life and i barely have time to see any of my family/friends is really stressing me out. what hurts a bit more is ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

amandachristine July 20 2006, 03:49:55 UTC
umm my away message that said letdown wasnt about you. it was about a boy.


theycallmechina July 21 2006, 04:29:48 UTC
im sorry a boy let you down, but at the same time im sorry that you feel that we are growing apart as well...because to me thats kinda like being a let down too. i really DO want to hang with you and i really DO miss you a whole hell of a lot...but somehow i get the feeling like you dont believe me anymore.


amandachristine July 21 2006, 14:27:50 UTC
actions speak louder than words.


desirea002 July 24 2006, 20:12:33 UTC
"my friends are constantly asking to hang out and id really really love to, but i always end up saying no because i ethither have work that day, or the next, forcing me to stay home or be home early. idk if anyone really knows how i feel"
do i ever.
jay vending 3-11 (11, if we're lucky)
five days a week
who in the world gets up before one
when they dont have to.
it does suck, but if theyre true they'll stick out their lack of seeing you and turn it into a very good time when they do
and having money, isnt a bad feeling
just, making it is.


theycallmechina July 26 2006, 23:35:20 UTC
FINALLY someone who knows where im coming from! i totally agree, working is a bitch but i do make money and have money and that IS a good feeling. i just wish that some of my friends would understand that its anything but personal and that the situation is kinda out of my hands.
thanks for understanding D<3


amandachristine August 3 2006, 14:53:54 UTC
uhh.. our last community got deleted. fuck.

... )


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