Ask and you shall receive.... ; ]

Sep 25, 2005 22:09 requested by a certain someone, i have decided to dedicate this entire entry to a boy named Jorge. hes quite jelous it seems that i talk about all my other friends, yet fail to mention him at all...therefore i have decided that i will now enlighten the public with my here personal journal entry about this boy.

you see..jorge and i, we've hung out a few times here and there...
we like to spend our evenings rockin out to BNO in the back of Randy's new sexy truck.
never before have i seen a boy that can make a toothpick look so bad ass!

most of the time when we hang out we just DDR till the sun comes matter what he says, im still better at it than he is. although i must say that he is improving.  sometimes i think that this boy jorge uses me for the simple fact that my mom can cook a mean hotdog. but then there are other times that i think the only reason he comes over is so that he can fantasize about my fireplace...

nevertheless, jorge and i have fun when we hang out.
we take HxC M.S. pics...whenever we can and occasionally wrestling matches are held in my room...he'll tell you that he always wins. and its the truth because noone can out hustle a hustler...

i guess the truth is this here boy, by the name of jorge, who wears the tighets girl pants i have ever seen...and who i can safely say has a butt that looks better in tight girl pants then mine does, is just one cool kid. ladies dont be fooled..this here is the face of a true P.I.M.P. a boy that ganstas so hard that even his own mother tells him to turn down his game a lil...and stop breakin so many hearts! lol. maybe that was a little over exagerated.....but the truth still stands, that Jorge B is a pimp machine, that has all the ladies throwin themselves at him.

and that my friends is all i have to say about that.<3

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