Getting old school in here

Oct 20, 2013 21:43

I'm a member of the surveys community here on LJ. And although I don't pay too much attention to it, this survey actually caught my attention. So like I said, let's get old school in here, and post a survey. When was the last time you saw that on this site? Yikes!

Sum yourself up

Were you a good kid? Yes. I like to think I was
Were you quiet or noisy? Quiet.
Did you get along with your parents? Yes. Still think I do
Were you raised by both parents? Yes.
Were you closer to one or the other? I think my Dad. But maybe that's because we're very similar.
Did you have pets? Yes. Cats and hamsters.
Who was your best friend? Michelle, Brittany
How did you dress? Probably like a nerdy little kid. Except for my first day of school outfits that my grandma made me every year.

Material Stuff

What was your favorite toy? Barbies, stuffed animals
Did you have a glow worm? No.
Did you have matchbox cars? They were my brothers, so yes?
Did you have Barbies? Yes.
Did you have stuffed animals? Yes.
Did you have My Little Ponies? Yes.
Carebears? Nope. But I was the Carebear movie ALL. THE. TIME
That creepy bear that read books? Lol, yes. Again I think it was my brothers
Dinosaurs? No
Colorforms? I am not sure what they probably not.
Ninja Turtles? No.
Power Rangers? No.
Batman? No.
X-Men? No.

Games and stuff

Did you climb trees? Nope. Too afraid, lol
Pretend to go to war? No.
Act out movies and such? Yes! My friend and I played 'Little Mermaid' in the pool
Play in a sandbox? Yes.
Make mudpies? Yes
Have imaginary friends? Yes.
Play with neighborhood kids? Yes.
Play with pets? Of course
Did you play stupid board games when it rained? Yes.
Did you pretend to be a grownup? Yes.

Tough Stuff

Were you beaten up as a kid? No. But I got bullied.
Did you have to deal with the death of anyone you knew? No.
Did you have a near death experience? No.
Did you ever have to stay away from your parents for a long time? No
Were you one of those kids that no one liked? A didn't have a lot of friends
Did you get made fun of? Yes.

Bad stuff you did

Did you ever make messes on purpose? Yes.
Steal anything? No.
Tell lies? I'm sure I did
Run away? No. The best I could do was hide outside against the wall of the house by the bushes
Beat someone up? No.
Break stuff? I don't think on purpose.
Throw tantrums? Yes.
Go on the roof? No.
Bite people? No
Throw stuff inside the house? I'm sure I did
Hit your friends? No.
Cut in line? No.

Getting in trouble

Did you get yelled at a lot? No
Did you get sent to your room? Yes.
Get stuff taken away? Yes
Sent to the corner? No.
Grounded? Yes
Did you get spanked? Yes.
Did you ever get your mouth washed out? Yes.
Any weird punishments? No.

Family life

Did you have siblings? Yes, one older brother
Did you have to share a room? No.
Did your parents work? Yes, both my parents did.
Did you have babysitters? Yes
Did you like them? Yup
Were you close with your cousins? Not really.

Fun places

Did you ever go to amusement parks? Yes.
Disney? Yes.
Did you go to McDonalds and get Happy Meals? Yes
What other places were fun when you were a kid? The pool, friends houses, grandma's house

As a kid...

What was the best thing ever? Going to sleepovers, friends houses
The worst thing? Being grounded
Did you get report cards? Yes.
Did you do well on them? No, lol
Did you get notes home from school? Yes
Did you ever do anything creepy? I don't think so
Did you do anything that seems inappropriate now? I liked to color with marker on the walls a lot
Who was your favorite person you knew? My mom.
What did you want to be when you grew up? A vet, a teacher
Who was your favorite teacher? My fourth grade teacher
Your least favorite? My third grade teacher

When you have kids

What will you do that your parents didn't? If my kids turn out to have learning disabilities like I did, I would get them help ASAP.  I don't want my kids to "suffer" for too long like I did.
What won't you do that your parents did? Spanking

How you were brought up

Were you brought up in a religion? Yes, but not too heavily
Were you taught to respect authority? Yes.
Were you taught to be accepting of differences? Yes.

In summary

Did you have a good childhood? Yes. think so.
Did your parents do a good job raising you? Yes. I think so
Did you turn out like you thought you would? ----
Did you turn out like your parents thought you would? I think so and hope so!


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