Title: Two Roads Diverged (7/10)
icedteainthebagWord Count: 34,420
Rating: MA
Pairings: John Cavil/Ellen Tigh, Ellen Tigh/Saul Tigh, Laura Roslin/Bill Adama
Warnings: Dubcon, physical violence
Summary: Sometimes we make mistakes when we think we're doing the right thing.
Notes: See Chapter One, but specific thanks on this chapter go to
somadanne and
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Comments 21
I like that there's still a kind of awkward "morning after" vibe with Laura and Ellen - neither of them really know how to deal with the realities of the situation. And Ellen's thought that it made more sense than she'd ever thought it would. is so so true. Because it does make sense. These two women involved with powerful men who are both somewhere else, somewhere unknowable. So good.
I'm glad Saul is back and alive. And I like that he's leaving his internment in the prison, not bringing it into their marriage. It's brave and it's so Saul. You've got his voice down as well. Their reunion is wonderful - Ellen's nerves about the whole thing and Saul's joy to be back with his wife. This whole thing really is just pure excellence.
God, yes, you make me so happy with this stuff, you have no idea.
That line was a holdover from a large part I cut in which the two of them got their sexy tiems on; it ended up not fitting the story at all, but for some reason I kept it, and always hoped it didn't make it seem like more had happened than actually did.
This comment is wonderful. I love feedback like this, and not just because it's calling the story excellent (but that rocks) but because you're thinking so hard about these characters and I love that.
I actually feel shame. Wierd feeling...
I'm glad I could bring a different perspective to you, though... that means a lot to me. ♥
All the different ways the cylons hurt people, all the things they took from them, and so much of it glossed over on-screen. That's why I'm loving this so very much; this is a story that really needed to be told.
I may not be as verbose as I was in the first half, but that's because I'm just so eager to move to the next chapter (so I can suffer with these women more, apparently).
Thanks for loving this story. It means a lot to me, as I'm a big fan of your writing and insight.
so I can suffer with these women more, apparently
Well, in case you read this before you continue, best of luck in Chapter 8. *hugs*
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