Title: Two Roads Diverged (6/10)
icedteainthebagWord Count: 34,420
Rating: MA
Pairings: John Cavil/Ellen Tigh, Ellen Tigh/Saul Tigh, Laura Roslin/Bill Adama
Warnings: None
Summary: Sometimes we make mistakes when we think we're doing the right thing.
Notes: See Chapter One, but specific thanks on this chapter go to
tjonesy and
MrsDrJacksonLink to Art:
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Comments 30
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Thanks for the comment! :)
Speaking of keeping one's guard up...Ellen knew the ability to keep her guard up was something Laura had refined to perfection. She'd practically made indifference an art form. She was that type of woman.I like this both because it's a great description of Laura and because it gives me the idea that Ellen has been watching Laura and trying to figure her out ever since they met ( ... )
And I will... just have to work a few things around so it doesn't seem like it's some sort of deleted scene. :)
The Adar revelation was an interesting one on Laura's part. I like how you cast it as more than just a gift to Ellen to put her at ease, show her a vulnerability, but also as something Laura needed to get out. I'm one of those Adar apologists out there who believes he meant more to her than a lot give him credit for.
Saul and Bill need to come home!
The Adar thing was an idea by tjonesy (I'm repeating myself from my feedback above, sorry :) ) after I spent a really, really long time trying to figure out how to make this scene between Laura and Ellen work. They're so tricky to work together into a scene, especially one where they're not catfighting, in fact, actually trying to bond. This was common ground for them.
And OMG, Adar apologist... I LOVE the way you put that, and can I join your club? I refuse to believe she'd stay with him so long without him having any redeeming qualities.
They will! Eventually!
Thanks for reading :)
But really. This.
It's lovely and heartbreaking and everything I want to read in fic. I have no real words for how much I am enjoying reading this.
I love that these two women are baring their souls to each other and having such a hard time doing it. And that Laura was willing to divulge her affair with Adar in order to keep Ellen from risking going out after curfew. And how Ellen recognizes the persona that Laura puts on and the different faces Laura has. I love that Laura is willing to offer Ellen comfort. I love that they still say cruel things to each other even when they're trying to help.
This really is a wonderful feat, this fic. You are amazing.
This scene was rewritten four times. The final version just clicked for me, and it makes me so pleased it worked for you too.
Thanks for the comments and for reading and enjoying.
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