Title: Two Roads Diverged (5/10)
icedteainthebagWord Count: 34,420
Rating: MA
Pairings: John Cavil/Ellen Tigh, Ellen Tigh/Saul Tigh, Laura Roslin/Bill Adama
Warnings: Dubcon, physical violence
Summary: Sometimes we make mistakes when we think we're doing the right thing.
Notes: See Chapter One, but specific thanks on this chapter go to
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Comments 26
Awww Ellen I just want to give her a hug!!!!
Yuck on Cavil! I feel so bad for her! He's such a sick little frakker, considering how much he knew. Grrr I just wanna punch him!
I looooove how you have Laura's journal acctually being to Bill and documenting history!
I also enjoyed the interaction between L and E its like their just beggining to see how much they need each other and support from each other.
Cavil is a sick little frakker... I'm going to find it interesting to hear from people whether, at this point, they think he knew everything about Ellen or not. And punching, yes, that's a very normal reaction.
I think Laura would have kept separate journals for her personal musings and her historical ones. Just my own fanon there. :)
I also enjoyed the interaction between L and E its like their just beggining to see how much they need each other and support from each other.
This is excellent, excellent news, that you felt that.
Thanks for reading and commenting. ♥
Brilliant! Going to keep on reading now. *grins*
Yay, happy you kept reading! :) Thanks for the comment.
And Ellen... ::my Hoshi totally offers her a hug and a place in a support group :P ::
Awwww, having only read your summary and warning on your fic, I know what you mean. Poor Ellen and Hoshi. :( *hugs for both*
I loved seeing Laura and Ellen reach out across their differences and recognize each others' pain- that was just fantastic.
Thank you. I'm so happy that you liked that part. They both needed that.
And I like that thought too, and I'm not going to roll my eyes. It's okay for you to like the A/R parts. ;)
Thanks for reading, yadda yadda. ;)
Everything about Ellen's interaction with Cavil is horrible - the way it makes her feel about herself, the way she tries to escape during and the fact that he won't let her(I feel like he always knew who she was and he's doing this as a sort one-upmanship while she's unaware of their relationship to one another which makes it all the more creepy, disgusting and awful on his part.)
This was hard to read because she's just in an awful situation with no good options and in so much pain but I think you've captured very well how she must have felt.
I think Cavil knew who she was and what the relationship was as well. No doubt in my mind. And you're right...uggghh, twisted, disgusting, rude... yet she seems to forgive him in No Exit because she just wants him to love her, and he can't love.
This was hard to read because she's just in an awful situation with no good options and in so much pain but I think you've captured very well how she must have felt.
Thank you. It's a horrible position for her to be in. It hurts thinking about it. And sadly it doesn't get any easier.
Thanks for the incredible feedback. :)
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