Adventure Number 9: theytalktome and bursargirl feel sullied and unusual

Jul 24, 2006 21:42

As you may or may not know, harriet_black and myself are keeping a tally of adventures that we have in the vac so we have something to talk about. I have to say, I am doing better than her at present, but this is not the point.

This leads me to..

It started off innocently with a lunch of half scampi and half lemon sticky chicken that we had in our recently discovered pub. It was very tasty. Things rapidly got stranger.

We went back to bursargirl and tried to saw a coconut in half. This involved a rather large saw, but was managed without too much hassle and noise. We then headed to the woods eating coconut from a half shell (you see a half each!) with a spoon. This again is harder than it would sound. In the woods we ended up drinking scary BLUE vodka out of coconut shells. It was VILE. So we ate cherry bakewells. It also soaked into the coconut making the rest of it inedible so we ended up tossing it about the wood, scaring a woman with a gaggle of children. Heh, I wonder what she thought two girls sitting in a copse giggling were doing!

Anyhow, after this we headed off and ended up in the Town Gardens. Seriously, I never realised old town had as many parks and green spaces as it does. It's positively rural! We decided to make izzas out of some scary luminous plasticine. Dear god that was unnatural plasticine. And as one does with all plasticine at the end, one smushes it. BAD PLAN. VERY BAD. I do not think you fully understand how BAD and idea this was. As it turned into the consitancy of toothpaste and STUCK TO YOUR HANDS, and it was a kind of luminous lilac colour, infact nearly the same colour as the vile blue vodka earlier. We could NOT get this stuff off our hands, and so thought "ah! alcohol may do it". So, yes I'm afraid ladies and gentlemen, we ended up washing in the vile blueberry smelling vodka outside the park gates. It sort of worked. Well bits of it came off anyhow. So we went back to hers and washed properly and now neither of us are blue :)

And so ends adventure number 9.
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