NAME: No one outside the Niwa's know.
CODENAME: Dark Mousey
AGE: 18
ROLE: Phantom Thief. One of the Bro's
BACKGROUND: Adopted son of a Japanse family living in Italy of Phantom Thieves. Grew up learning the art, and although he was not of their blood, he was still allowed to go on nightly 'hunts' and he was very good at what he did.
The family mostly dealt with stealing back artworks of a mutant artist known as Hikari who tends to troll people and curse his art to bother the normal people. The Niwa's have methods to seal the art so they don't bother anyone and since they can't obtain the art in normal methods they steal it. It's more fun anyway :'|
One day Dark developed a rather high fever and nothing brought it down. After hours of painful body pain, WINGS busted out of his back. T'was rather gross. However they [the wings] made him take anther level in arrogance and after a few weeks of getting used to them and finding that Phantom Thieving just got easier, he and the family got into a rather nasty argument about him overdoing it and not even bothering to hide and blend in with everyday life.
He got annoyed and flounced off, not wanting to submit to their ways and such. After a while he sort've was recruited by the Brotherhood and has stuck with them ever since. For the record that was about three years ago.
PERSONALITY: At first glance Dark's a arrogant bastard who thinks he's better than you. Which he is, in the thieving sense. He has a rather cocky attitude and tends to watch everything detached way, not quite adding his two cents but smirking at the (usually amusing) antics of everyone else. He tends to not play by the rules and likes to rather do it his own way. At least, half the time it does work properly. If his flirting with everyone doesn't get him into trouble first.
However underneath the underneath, he's a pretty big derp. Some part of him really does care for the people he's close to, he's just really bad at showing it to them. And let's not even go into how much of a normal idiotic teenage boy he is around girls he likes.
APPEARANCE: Dark has short messy purple hair with extremely long layered side bangs and similar purple eyes. He's extremely tall, standing a few inches over 6'. It could be said that his ego gives him extra inches of height (which is really just his heels). He also tends to wear a lot of of classy clothes (and leather. Lot's of leather) to let the girls (and guys) fangirl him. Because he's attention-seeking whore like that.
POWERS: Has wings. However they're the type that pop out from his back when he needs them and shulck back in when he's done with them. Needless to say he only uses them when he really has to.
ANYTHING ELSE?: Yay bros o/\o
ALSO. I WAS WONDERING IF HE COULD HAVE HIS PARTNER/PET THING. Wiz is a little bunny rabbit thing that is ~maigc~ and turns into his wings so he doesn't hurt Dai with his magic in canon, besides playing his double when needed. AND AND I WAS WONDERING IF HE COULD HAVE HIM AT XI TOO. :D I figure he'd be some sort of experiment that Dark rescued on during his adventures and somehow gave it his blood on ohshi- now Wiz has a mutation of his mutation and turns into his wings so he doesn't have to have his burst out from his back every time he needs them. /obtains non-magical!Wiz