I'm spending the week at my parents, and since it's just me and a half-time feline (she only comes here to eat and then runs away to her itsy bitsy kittens), I'm pretty much glued to my monitor.
as you all know, Rufus is SUCH a tease...
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Comments 50
(And what a cute icon, I <3 photoshop, too!)
I didn't make this icon ("PS Lurve"), but I love it to death. thanks!
and btw - it took me a few seconds to slowly read your username. way cool. ;O)
Hahaha, thanks! FireinthePriory was taken so I decided to go crazy. :D
Also, SO agrees they are very very pretty. Really, he does.
I love the hazy, effect ones. They remind me of 50s posters.
Also, I will pimp.
Also also, you should know that there aren't that many people on rufus_iconized, so your brillince is not getting the attention it deserves.
I'm so glad you like them!! ::prances about with a pink tutu::
Thanks for the tip, too! I didn't know people could post icons to rufus_fans, but now that I do - I did... lol.
also, I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That pink looks good on you ;)
I adore every single one of them...perfect cropping, beautiful colors, great composition...you're amazing!!
And omg he's so pretty!
And, in the famous words of somebody I know - you are too kind.. :Op
But thanks so much for saying that!!! and I worked so hard on the cropping, I'm soo happy you think it's good..
::prances about some more with a pink tutu::
and he is SOOOOOO pretty indeed. I was looking at his pictures in extreme close up, smudging away pixels, and I couldn't stop thinking "my GOD he's gorgeous!!".
thanks Gio! ♥♥♥
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