Title: The Inheritor
Characters/Pairings: Sherlock/John, Mycroft
Warnings: None
Notes: This is a Mycroft-POV epilogue of sorts to "
Dissolution." It will make some sense, but not total sense, without reading that first.
Length: About 2,000 words
The Inheritor )
Comments 20
“God, I hope so,” he says. “I want to, Mycroft,” he murmurs. “More than I ever have, I want to understand.”
I just. I loved this exchange so much. This entire epilogue (though I will admit to being disappointed in not seeing the proposal! haha). Mycroft and Sherlock's relationship has always intrigued me and I'm so glad you added this tiny peek.
“I will take that as a compliment.” He nods when Mycroft lifts the bottle. “I expected your men on my doorstep nearly every day.”
“A compliment repaid.” Mycroft pours them both shallow glasses of his best.
I loved this exchange; so very like them. Your writing is astounding. You have the character's voices down so well it's truly awesome.
I also liked the line about Sherlock gulping as he did when he was a child, and that Mycroft was Sherlock's only friend growing up. I love the emotion Mycroft has with the pen. And the arm hug - Aww!. I adored the line about Sherlock now having humanity and humility.
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