Omg. I feel like SUCH a bitch! I did the meanest thing. Me and Shiri were saying stuff. Then stuff happened and we made someone cry. I can't tell you who or what we were saying because that would be mean for the person. So yes, that is my experiance of being a bitch. It was kind of funny at first but then when they started crying I felt awful. Then
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table width=250 align=center border=1 bordercolor=black cellspacing=0>thingsconfuseme's LJ stalker is spiceyyyy!spiceyyyy is stalking you because they saw your picture and fell in love.. They are also slowly poisoning you!
look s.o(someone)im sorry your in trouble or whatever but you have no reason to be mad at me. i'm not going to grab something from my brother, im not going to hurt him, and im not going to chase him in the future because it was wrong. my parents like everyone elses...sometimes do not listen to their kids. i dont like my parents saying those things
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"suckin on my titties like you wantin me, callin me, all the time, like hey blondie check out my chrissy behind, cuz its so fiiiiinnneee, what else is in the teaches for peaches, sex on the beaches
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i got braces and they feel sooooo weird. they dont hurt at all...except the wire that is poking my mouth. anyways i wanna go to the promanode on friday but i dunno if i can. i might go with karina and maybe lana and someother people...karina knows but lana doesnt so lana if your reading this do you wanna go to the promenode with me and karina on
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