you guys you guys did you hear the The Hobbit casting spoiler? It seems that my FAVOURITE WIZARD OF ALL TIME, RADAGAST THE MOTHERFUCKING BROWN, IS GOING TO BE PLAYED BY
SYLVESTER MCCOY!!!! This is so great. Back when they were doing LotR, I was all, "man, Patrick Stewart should show up to cameo as Radagast the Brown!" But somehow this is even better. Aw Sylvester McCoy aw!
I am still doing this accidental Seven/Ace rewatch. It is v. rewarding. I love how Seven just kills people all the time, without remorse or manpain, just because it makes sense. And I love how Ace continues to be the hottest-slash-awesomest companion ever (at least until Martha Jones).
Other news: thanks to
such_heights, who linked to
this youtube video, I totally ended up playing
this stupid game for like an hour. It is the worst game ever made! It makes no sense! The controls cannot even be learned! You have to try it. I am quite proud of having made it to 38.6 metres one time before falling down horribly and breaking my neck:
Also up today:
eruthros and I have been doing a casual and slow Avatar rewatch, and today was The Western Air Temple and The Firebending Masters, aka my favourite Zuko episodes 4evr. Oh my gosh. Why is he so bad at being good.
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