Does anyone want to chip in with Kink Bingo prep? Because we got started kiiiinda late this year, and could use some help. Some things we need, or are hoping to figure out before this round starts:
1) Someone to volunteer to create (and mod) a Kink Bingo chatter-type community.
Ideally, we'd end up with at least two people who could co-mod it. We'd like to have a space for Kink Bingo talk that doesn't belong on the main KB community, that isn't overseen by
eruthros or I, and that provides a more low-pressure environment (ie, less official than the kink wiki or the main comm). This could be a place for people to discuss kinks, to ask for betas, to complain about deadlines, to encourage each other, to discuss policies, to find IM buddies to chat with while making stuff, etc. Basically anything Kink Bingo related. We're looking for experienced Kink Bingoers for this position. Email or PM one of us ( at gmail) if you'd like to volunteer!
2) Someone to make a kink bingo posting template javascript page.
eruthros got this idea from
fanfiction header generator. The fanfiction header generator is very flexible and allows lots of options, and we'd want fewer options because we have requirements about what information is included, but we'd want it to be a sort of template that would let people cut-and-paste information and get the formatted html for a post without requiring people to read the whole posting template and hand-code their html. So, like, there would be a space for title and author, and ticky boxes for content notes that would let people tick off kinds of content notes and give more information, and etc. Some people have said that the posting template is really long and it's hard to follow, and that making a post requires a lot of time/spoons, and we were hoping that providing an alternate way to code a post would maybe avoid some of that for some people. Email, PM, or comment here if you'd like to volunteer!
3) Someone to make a card-passing-out website, with various options for type of card.
chagrined is already talking to us about ways to simultaneously produce screenreader-friendly data tables and image cards, but we'd like to maybe do a web form to call said cards, or actually make them in a web form, even, so people can just tick boxes or do drop-downs to e.g. get an asexual-friendly card. We are pretty clueless when it comes to this kind of design work, so basically we could tell you all the things we want, and you can tell us whether or not we can have them (and ideally make something for us that does the job). Obviously this might take some time to make, so if it's something where you think you could help us, but don't think you could have it in place by June 1st, talk to us anyway; if we can't get it up and running this year, we definitely want it up and running next year. Email, PM, or comment here if you'd like to volunteer!
4) Some other eyes to look over asexual-friendly kink lists.
So we're talking about making asexual-friendly cards this year, that anyone could opt into (or not) as they preferred. Part of what this would involve is making (probably multiple) lists of things that shouldn't be included on asexual-friendly cards. (E.g. one list might be only things that can be done as solo-kink, and one list might be things that don't involve genitalia or orgasm or penetration, and then a combined list, or something like that.) We'd also make specific cards for anyone who wanted them, but the standard lists would also mean (some) people wouldn't have to talk to us or out themselves if they didn't want to. (And then people who don't want to make fanworks about asexual characters but prefer nonsexual kink could opt for those cards too.) This is one where having several volunteers is definitely preferable to having just one! Basically, we'd email you our thoughts on kinks to be included/excluded for each of the asexual cards, and you could provide feedback/suggestions. Email, PM, or comment here if you'd like to volunteer!
5) Someone(s) who are willing to test our kink bingo cards, which theoretically are screen-reader friendly, zap friendly, and multi-platform friendly, but . . . we don't know for sure.
Basically, screenreaders are expensive;
eruthros has done a lot of work reading accessibility sites for tips and testing the html-table cards with free screenreaders, but that only takes us so far; if you have a screenreader that you use and you'd like to do some testing for us, we'd be much obliged. Relatedly, because neither of us has vision impairments beyond shortsightedness, so if someone who typically uses zap bookmarklets to make pages readable wanted to field-test the cards for us, we'd be much obliged. We want to make sure that the cards scale and change font and colour appropriately in your browser/however you browse. Some sample cards are
here in the kink_bingo March mini-challenge post. Email, PM, or comment here if you've done this and can let us know what your results are.
6) Someone to make us a Venn diagram.
I've been thinking about kink overlap, and how sometimes people are worried about one kink overlapping with another, and I thought that a cool way to put folks at ease on this issue would be to demonstrate how extremely overlappy the kinks really are, and nothing does that like a Venn diagram. It would be a huge and ridiculous Venn diagram, but I'd love and adore it so much: a Venn diagram that includes all the kink bingo kinks (we'll send you this year's modified list to work with). If that task is too ridiculous, perhaps some smaller Venn diagrams of closely-related overlapping kinks? Ideally such a diagram would also come with a bit of explanatory meta so that it's a useful resource for folks who can't see the diagram, but I would be willing to write that part if you were willing to do up the diagram. Email or PM or comment here to volunteer for this one!
And if you have other things you'd like to do for KB before the round starts, please feel free to suggest it and/or volunteer. If there's a resource you've been missing, please mention it; mentioning it does not in any way equal volunteering to do it, of course. :)
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