HELP WANTED: Join the Think Galacticon 2011 Convention Committee

Jan 14, 2010 10:52

We want Think Galacticon to keep happening, we really do. But the organizers of the first two cons have realized we can’t do it again without help. So if you love mixing science fiction/fantasy and leftist politics, we need you!

There are lots of different roles that need to be filled, and you don’t have to be in Chicago to take one on. Check out the list of positions we’re looking to fill below. If you’re interested, e-mail

Please let us know by February 15th if you’re interested in participating. Please email the link for this page to anyone you think might be interested as well! To find out more about Think Galactic and our past conventions, check out our website.

These are the positions we really need filled (although we have many more down below!)!

Events Coordinator- Local- Core
Consuite Coordinator- Local- Core
Programming Coordinator- Any- Core

Intro to job descriptions:

After organizing two Think Galacticons with a tiny convention committee, we’ve realized that we can’t do it with so few people in a sustainable way. To determine if another Think Galacticon is possible, we’ve used our past experience to figure out the jobs necessary to put the con together. The list below represents an ideal number of people, and we realize not every job is likely to get filled. To ensure that we have enough volunteers to keep ourselves from taking on too much, we’ve identified several “Core” jobs that must be filled. If those jobs aren’t filled, the convention won’t happen.

Note: we are not a large convention, and most of these roles exist at other conventions in one form or another. We've purposely broken things up to make them more manageable for folks who have some time to give, but not for a larger position.

The Concom has been broken into teams so that people can work in smaller focused subgroups. Subgroups will report to the larger Concom on a regular basis on their progress. Most subgroups have a coordinator but how the group is structured and operated will be entirely up to the team.

When sending an email to let us know what position(s) you are interested in and where you live. If you are interested in doing more than one position, please note that you can only be in one Core position. If you are interested in multiple Core positions, please rank them. While you can take on more than one non-core position (or one core position and one or two non-core positions), please sign up for only as much as you think you can handle and would enjoy. Running a con is a lot of work, but we want to make it as fun and enjoyable of a process as possible!

    To be on the committee means agreeing to the following:

  • Agree with the mission of Think Galactic and commit to following its principles
  • Agree to work within the outlined structure as part of a collective, consensus-based process
  • Report regularly to your Team and/or the Concom.
  • Ask for help if you are feeling over-burdened.
  • Find someone else not on Concom to take over your duties if you need to leave Concom.
  • Checking in with the Meta Team if anything comes up.
  • Trying to have fun while also having an awesome con.

Core= position that must be filled for the convention to happen
Local= must be local to Chicago, IL, USA
Any= can be in any location
FILLED=position has been filled

Think Galacticon 2011 positions

META TEAM (at least one must be in Chicago)
Goal: To Keep a “big picture” view of the process

*Time Lord- Any- Core
    Goal: Keeping the con on track for success

  • Figures out when they should check up on people with upcoming deadlines
  • Checks in with each team when they have deadlines
  • Notifies all of Concom if something is behind schedule or about to be behind schedule
  • Isn't afraid to name names if has to
  • If a core spot goes empty, the meta team calls for a capability evaluation
  • Meets with Self-Care Assistant to identify potential problems
  • Try to be aware of decision making, and keep team decisions separate from Con sized decisions
  • Coordinates and maintains con organizing schedule (schedule is developed by the entire Concom)
Self-Care Assistant- Local- Core
    Goal: Keeping the con committee balanced throughout the process

  • Advocating for and making sure people don't take on too much
  • Helps overwhelmed people find replacements if an unforeseen issue comes up
  • Mediates conflicts on the Concom
  • If a core spot goes empty, initiates a capability evaluation to assess the remaining Concom's ability to hold the event
  • Meets with Time Lord to help stop issues before they become issues

Goal: Acquiring and creating functional and comfortable spaces

*Venue Liaison - Local- Core
    Goal: Finding and securing a functional, accessible, affordable space

  • Researches venue options and facilitates selection of venue
  • Discovers and fulfills venue specific needs and idiosyncrasies
  • Makes sure all contracts are signed
  • Questions venue about any hidden costs (safety, housekeeping, etc.)
  • Arranges for room configurations for discussions and events (makes them happen if for some reason they weren't)
  • In charge of opening and closing space
  • Works with Accessibility Coordinator to make sure Venue is accessible.
  • Provides venue descriptions, links, and directions with Publications Coordinator
  • Works with Activities Team to make sure there is proper space for Events, Consuite, and Bazaar
  • Meets regularly with Space Team to check-in
  • Researches insurance and purchases it
Accommodations Liaison - Local- Core
    Goal: Finding and securing appropriate overnight accommodations for Guests and con attendees

  • Researches Hotel options
  • Enjoys negotiating deals
  • Makes sure all contracts are signed
  • Works with Accessibility Coordinator to make sure Hotel is accessible
  • Provides hotel descriptions, links, and directions with Publications Coordinator
  • Works with Notable Guest Liaison to provide accommodations to Notable Guests
  • Meets regularly with Space Team to check-in

Accessibility Coordinator- Local
    Goal: Being aware of potential difficulties for our wide range of attendees and seeking to make the con accessible and comfortable for all

  • Makes sure Think Galacticon is on top of our Access game
  • Coordinates marking off wheel-chair accessible spaces around a table and in front/back of rooms
  • Designs signage for rooms
  • Coordinates putting up signage each morning
  • Meets regularly with Space Team to check-in
  • Works with members to accommodate access requests
Sustainability Coordinator- Any
    Goal: Keeping Think Galacticon as Green as possible

  • Makes sure recycling containers are available
  • Researches buying carbon offsets
  • Meets with Activities Team to help use sustainable products
  • Meets with Publications Team to help use environmentally printing and paper
  • Meets regularly with Space Team to check-in

Goal: Working to secure and manage funds and resources that will make TG a success

*Financial Coordinator- Local- Core
    Goal: Maintaining the TG funds and keeping them in the black

  • Keeps detailed receipts and records of all Think Galacticon related transactions
  • Proposes and Keeps track of Think Galacticon budget
  • Provides monthly financial reports to the group
  • In charge of bank account (along with one other member, can be anyone)
  • Attention to detail and order is key
  • Meets regularly with Resources Team to check-in
*Registration Coordinator- Local- Core
    Goal: Keeps all aspects of Think Galacticon registration running smoothly

  • Proposes to concom deadlines for registration
  • Proposes membership fee structure to concom
  • Keeps a detailed attendee list
  • Creates check-in lists, name tags, registration sheets
  • Keeps up the Think Galacticon mailing list.
  • Meets regularly with Resources Team to check-in
  • Monitors/maintains records of transactions during con (e.g. who picks up packets, purchases registration, etc)
Ads Coordinator-Any
    Goal: Solicits a variety of ads that would be of interest to Think Galacticon attendees

  • Solicits ads from cons, groups, and businesses for Think Galacticon
  • Works with Publications Coordinator for reception of ad image files
  • Meets regularly with Resources Team to check-in

Fundraising Coordinator- Local
    Goal: Finds creative ways to financially help Think Galacticon

  • Finds grants to help support Think Galacticon
  • Helps coordinate bake sale with Events Coordinator
  • Brainstorm ideas to help Think Galacticon be financially soluble
  • Coordinates fund-raising events
  • Meets regularly with Resources Team to check-in
Donations Coordinator- Local
    Goal: Recruits donations from businesses that would be interested in supporting Think Galacticon goals

  • Researches businesses for potential donations
  • Sends out letters to local businesses for donations
  • Sends out Thank You letters post-con to businesses who donated
  • Works with Consuite Coordinator and Events Coordinator to ensure things get used
  • Meets regularly with Resources Team to check-in
Volunteer Coordinator- Local- Core
    Goal: Lifting the burden of Concom members with the use of well-organized volunteers

  • Coordinates volunteer needs/duties
  • Asks each team if they need volunteer assistance
  • Creates volunteer schedule
  • Meets regularly with Resources Team for check-in

Goal: Providing space for fun and exploration in ways other than discussions at Think Galacticon

Events Coordinator- Local- Core
    Goal: Builds events and spaces that are welcoming and fun for all TG members and provide opportunities for socializing and networking

  • Determines the Special Events (Game night on Friday and LARP/readings on Saturday has been suggested)
  • Draft copy for events to be used in publications
  • Drafts statements for Opening and Closing Ceremonies
  • Helps coordinate bake sale with Fund-raising Coordinator
  • Meets with Venue Coordinator to make sure there is appropriate space for Special Events
  • Meets regularly with Activities Team to check-in
Bazaar Coordinator- Local- Core
    Goal: Recruits participants that are happy to support Think Galacticon’s ideals and keep them happy at the con

  • Contacts groups to be part of the Bazaar
  • Attempts to create a diversity of groups in the Bazaar
  • Works with Venue Coordinator to make sure there is appropriate space for the Bazaar.
  • Creates mechanisms that allow Bazaar participants to enjoy the con
  • Sends Thank You letters to Bazaar participants post-con
  • Draft copy for Bazaar information for publications
  • Meets regularly with Activities Team to check-in
  • Maintains Bazaar space during con

*Consuite Coordinator- Local- Core
    Goal: provide free, vegan-friendly, healthy food options for con members

  • Plans menu for consuite
  • Keeps in mind the con is vegan friendly, while also providing gluten-free and nut-free options
  • Keeps an ingredient list for everything made on hand
  • Coordinates Consuite shopping
  • Coordinates Consuite cooking
  • Setting up Consuite each day
  • Breaking down Consuite each day
  • Figures out hours for Consuite
  • Coordinates needs and available resources with the Resources Team
  • Meets regularly with Activities Team to check-in
Safety Coordinator- Any
    Goal: Works to make con safe and free of harassment

  • Thinks of potential safety issues
  • Point person for any safety issue at the con
  • Creates criteria for volunteer participation
  • Provides training and develops protocol to safety issues for Safety Volunteers
  • Meets regularly with Activities Team for check-in
  • Puts together a phone tree for Safety volunteers

Goal: Engage activists/SFF fans with radical, nuanced programming

*Programming Coordinators (1)- Any- Core
    Goal: Develop thoughtful and engaging programming and opportunities for discussion

  • Generates ideas for programming
  • Solicits programming
  • Solicits panelists
  • Solicits moderators/facilitators, with attention to the needs of specific panels.
  • Writes/edits descriptions for clarity, interest, and diversity
  • Determines programming/panel schedule
  • Meet regularly with Programming Team to check-in.
Notable Guest Coordinator- Any- Core
    Goal: Integrates and supports Notable Guests at Think Galacticon

  • Solicits suggestions for Notable Guests and coordinates decision making within the Concom
  • Contacts potential Notable Guests
  • Assists with their needs, asks about dietary, accessibility, etc. needs
  • Works with Financial Coordinator to pay for Travel and Accommodations
  • Works with Accommodations Liaison to get reservations
  • Thank you letters to Guests Post-Con
  • Meets regularly with Programming Team to check-in
  • Works with Notable Guests to develop program items they are interested in/excited about

Youth Activities/Childcare Coordinator- Local
    Goal: Ensure that parents who wish to attend with their children have childcare available and there is space at the con for children/youths of all ages

  • Researches potential childcare providers
  • Works with Outreach team to publicize Childcare
  • Makes sure space is kid-friendly
  • Keep track of potential youth/child attendees
  • Develops space(s) (and possibly kids programming) that is good for a wide variety of age ranges
  • Meets regularly with People Team to check-in

Goal: Compose and design excellent integrated publications for member communication and larger outreach purposes

*Publications Coordinator- Local- Core
    Goal: Creates and monitors schedule and products of Publications Team

  • Figures out coordinated imagery for con with rest of team
  • Researches where to print
  • Creates fliers
  • Works with Outreach Coordinator on needed publications
  • Sets deadlines for copy needed by other teams/coordinators
  • Meets regularly with Publications Team to check-in

Program Book Coordinator- Any
    Goal: To create a readable, functional, and well designed program book for congoers

  • Gathers copy/info for program book
  • Develops production schedule for program book
  • Works with Concom to get reviews of drafts and edits to copy
  • Lays out program book
*Webmaster- Any- Core
    Goal: Keep the website running and user-friendly while keeping content up to date

  • Keeps website updated with Con information in a timely fashion
  • Resolves any technical problems with website
  • Works with Registration Coordinator to provide online registration
  • Sets deadlines for copy needed by other teams/coordinators
  • Meets regularly with Publications Team to check-in
  • Works with programming coordinator(s) to provide online programming idea submission
Local Guides Coordinator- Local
    Goal: Develops material that would be useful to attendees unfamiliar with the area

  • Creates restaurant guide
  • Collects materials related to Chicago attractions
  • Researches dates for other events that we should consider when picking a date
  • Meets regularly with Publications Team to check-in

Goal: Works closely with Publications Team to generate ideas for and actively promote Think Galacticon within a variety of communities

*Outreach Coordinator- Local- Core
    Goal: Make sure all pertinent communities are made aware of Think Galacticon

  • Brainstorms ways to outreach to the SF/F, Leftist, Intersectionalist, and Chicago activist communities
  • Works with Publications Coordinator on fliers
  • Creates events throughout the year to generate interest in con and SF/F from a leftist perspective
  • Meets regularly with Outreach Team to check-in
  • Make sure to write thank you's to any group or individual that goes above and beyond to help Think Galacticon
Activist Community Outreach Coordinator- Any
    Goal: Promote Think Galacticon that will speak to different activist communities

  • Develop list of activist/left outreach venues
  • Coordinate Think Galacticon presence at activist/left events & spaces
SFF Community Outreach Coordinator- Any
    Goal: Promote Think Galacticon that will speak to different SFF communities

  • Develop list of SFF outreach venues
  • Coordinate Think Galacticon presence at SFF events/spaces
Local Publicity Coordinator- Local
    Goal: Work in conjunction with Outreach Coordinators to publicize within the Chicagoland area

  • Coordinates distribution of fliers and posters to area businesses
  • Coordinates Think Galacticon presence at area events/cons
  • Press release (coordinate with publications team)
  • Meets regularly with Outreach Team to check-in
Online Publicity Coordinator- Any
    Goal: Work in conjunction with Outreach Coordinators to publicize online

  • Brainstorms new potential online publicity avenues
  • Maintaining/updating Livejournal, Facebook, etc.
  • Works with Publications Coordinator on web fliers
  • Meets regularly with Outreach Team to check-in

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