Title: Breathe
thinkingfoodRating: G
Pairing/Focus: Jonghyun/Key
Summary: Worries swim inside Key's mind, of his family, friends, and true love.
Key’s stares occupied the white nothingness hovering over top of his bed; connecting the cracks on the ceiling together with shifting eyes. The room stood half lit in the dim rays of the sun’s early rising.
Breathe in. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Breathe out. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Fingers by the rapper’s side tapped out the meditational rhythm, a headache pounding on Key’s mind-door. Closing his eyes, Key submerged himself in subconciousness. Flashes of memories crashed onto the shore of the boy’s heart; home videos of cooking in the kitchen with his umma on Christmas and faces of childhood friends singing in the elementary chorus. He misses them, the people that helped shape his life.
Time didn’t stand still just because Key left his hometown, friends, and family to conquer his dream. Everyone was expanding their lives without Key. His young classmates sticking together through high school and college, creating long lasting moments. Forgetting all about little Kim Kibum. His family holding numerous holiday dinners and reunion picnics each year; all of which he could never attend thanks to his demanding career.
The bed dipped at the additional weight laying on the left side of the mattress. A hand’s fingers intertwining themselves with Key’s, a short frame sliding under the covers. Jonghyun copied Key’s position, eyes traveling up to the white ceiling; his other hand falling to his side.
“Do you ever miss home or worry about never finding your true love because we are always so busy?” Key questioned after a few moments of silence, eyes still shut in meditation.
“Everyday“, Jonghyun stated, voice quiet and light. “But when I do miss home I call my mom and ask her about her day. I know the details aren‘t important and that I won‘t remember them after she tells me. But the truth is that I miss hearing her voice. I cry hearing it. She told me how she got a new perm today and went to the grocery store so that she can make us yummy snacks to eat. The phone distorts our conversation, morphing her tones slightly through static. But I still love hearing her words. At the grocery store I asked what she bought and how much she spent, not caring about the numbers. Just the words she spoke. Anything to maker her feel closer to me even when we are so far away. Through tears I joke around and whine about she forgot to buy my favorite foods. She laughs and so do I. I miss her constantly so I‘m always calling.”
Thin tears stream down Jonghyun’s soft cheeks, not sad just an effect of remembrance. Key knows the feeling oh too well and silently thanks the boy laying next to him for sharing his heart. Jonghyun understands Key’s pain and sorrow but never addresses the topic directly. Veering the subject off in a antidote or two, the story embodying the feelings Key can never seem to place correctly. Jonghyun understands perfectly what Key means even without words.
“Secondly,” Jonghyun added. “I never worry about not meeting my true love because I already know who he is.”
“Really?” Key sniffled, a hint of jealousy evident in his question. Key could never picture Jonghyun in love with someone other than him. Key was selfish when it came to Jonghyun and knowing there was another the older boy loved sent a new emotion burning.
A light laugh left Jonghyun’s throat before replying in a calmed voice, “Yes, he‘s the one I dream about at night. He‘s beautiful even when crying and worrying about things he has no control over. My true love is the boy staring at his bedroom‘s ceiling, missing his hometown.”
Key smiled, rolling closer to Jonghyun’s side. His head ring and falling to the beat of the older’s slow breathing.
Breathe in. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Breathe out. 1, 2, 3, 4.
The two hearts sang a duet dedicated to the each other, hitting each note in perfect harmony.
Key still misses his family daily, thinking about what they could be doing every second of the day. Scenarios play out like movies in his head. Appa going out to work before the sun peaks into the sky, umma kneeling in front of budding vegetables fresh in the spring. The wonder for his family fills the one filled space of worry for his true love. A worry that seems to vanish when Jonghyun’s hand slips into his during the early hours of the morning where the two lay snug underneath of warm covers, staring up at the blank ceiling above Key’s bed.
Breathe in. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Breathe out. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Ok first things first, does this fic make any sense?? If not, sorry because i wrote it this morning at like 6:30 while in a half zombie state. Hmmm.... what else?? Oh the summary sucks I know (trying to work on that) but enjoy anyways~ Comments are love<333