dude. WHY CANT PEOPLE GO AWAY?? i hate my family so fricking much. people piss me off all the time now. theres only a select few people i want to see. and that i care about. i mean i care about everyone, but like people i really want to talk to and not make me feel like i want to kill someone. fnjreaei well im really bored. what the fuckkkkkk life
. .:*:. .50 COMPLETELY Random Questions Survey. .:*:. .
1) What's Your Favorite Letter? s
2) Is That the same letter as your first name? nope
3) What is your favorite way to eat Potatoes? um with a fork?
4) What are your views on Sharpies? theyre pretty awesome man
5) How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? ALOT
6) What came first the chicken or the egg? well if the egg came first, ya needa chicken to hatch it! and if the chicken came first you need an egg. what the fuck.
7) Have you ever thought about question #6 for more than 5 minutes? yes
8) How many xangas have you had? zerio i hate xanga
9) How many of your xanga have the letter X in them? see above.
10) How many SNs have you had? like 5? idk i made alot up
11) How cool are you? i have no idea and i dont care
12) Describe your best friends in five words. awesome, understanding, best, funny, AMAZING
13) Now describe your Best friend in one word. i have a few but i love them
14) Have you ever Made up a language?so what if i did
15) Can you speak it fluently? obviously.
16) Have you ever made up a secret hand shake? WHO HASNT?!
17) Are you wearing make up? yeah
18) Have you ever eaten squid? no and intend not too
19) Do you like Ramen? noodles? YEAH
20) Have you ever Eaten it dry? yeah its nasty
21) Are you wearing any Orange? no sir
22) Pepsi or Coke? pepsi
23) Can you honestly taste the difference? yes you freaks
24) How buddies are on your Buddy list? 339. no im not kidding.
25) How many of them do you actually talk to? only like my best friends
26) Do you have a cell phone? NO sadly
27) How many contacts do you have on it? well on my mothers i have like 30 some
28) What comes to your mind when you hear the word Green? shirt. idk why
29) What is your favorite Food group? FATS
30) Do you have braces or have you had braces? no sir
31) What is your most embarrassing moment? um probably falling somewhere, i dont know i have many
32) What are your views on the word "dudett" ? i think its queer
33) What's your Favorite band? TOO MANY.... but fall out boy oh my god.
34) Have you ever been out of the country? nawhh sadly
35) How many Sarah's do you know? a lot i dont feel like counting
36) How do you say "what's up?" (ex. sup? wassa? wuzup?) whats up?
37) How often do you visit Google in a day? when i have to do school stuff or look up THE OLD MAN
38) What do you use Google to find? see above.
39) Have you ever been to another country? have i not answered this before
40) do u lik 2 rite lik dis?? EW NO SHOOT ME
41) d0 you l1k3 2 wr1t3 l1k3 d15? EW NO AGAIN
42) Did question 41 offend you because I didn't use the corect form of l33t? wtf like i noticed
43) Are you glad this survey is almost over? i didnt know it was...
44) Are you photogetic? HAHA NO!
45) What is your moms middle name? marie
46) What was your favorite grade? 7th
47) How many hours do you spend on the phone each day? not alot, mostly online
48) When was the last time you ate pizza? yesterday
49) What do you think of Vegitarians? they suck at life. aka cutone.
50) What did you think of this survey? um lovely
. .:*:. .This or that. .:*:. .
Coke or pepsi:
TV or Computer: computer
Phone or IM: im
Sand Castle or Snow Men: sand castle
Cats or Dogs: dogs
Blonde or Brunette: brunette
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Black or White: black
Skiing or Swimming: swimming
Cammeras or phones: camera
Pizza or Chineese take out: cant decide i love bothhhh
Pictures or Memories: pictures, because you can remember from them
Cool or loser: loser
Cold or hot: hot
. .:*:. .Currently. .:*:. .
X What are you wearing? jeans that have orange paint on them from crew, and a white hard rock shirt
X Are you listening to music? FOB FOB FOB
X Are you on a computer or laptop? computer
X Do you have an ipod? If so what kind? no :( X-MAS KIDS
X Are you Hungry? nope
X Last thing you ate. BREADSTICK
X If someone popped out of your closet what will you do? SCREAM!
X What kind of mood are you in? mad.
X What time is it? 7:50
X What book are you reading for fun? none currently
X Is your hair a mess? its its normal curly self
X What is in front of you besides the computer/laptop? speakers
X Are you wearing glasses? yeah
X Do you hate anyone right now? YES
X Think fast! Name a vegetable! carrots!
X Did you name carrot? omg yeah you freaks
X Do you know a word in a different language that rhymes with orange? tuhotrhthe
X Are you wearing pants, shorts, or skirt or dress? jeans
X Last thing you did before you came online: hung out with my cousin
X Are you happy? not currently
X Right now if the person you liked told you they hated you what would you do? id most likely scream and cry nonstop
. .:*:. .Put an X between the []. .:*:. .
[ ] I am bisexual or homosexual.
[ ] I've consumed alcohol.
[] I've run away from home
[ ] I listen to political music.
[ ] I collect comic books.
[X I shut others out when I'm sad.
[X] open up to others easily
[ ] I am keeping a secret from the world
[ ] I watch the news.
[] I own over 5 rap CDs
[] I own an iPod or MP3
[ X] I own something from Hot Topic
[X] I love Disney Movies.
[X] I am a sucker for hair/eyes
[ ] I don't kill bugs
[X] I curse regularly.
[] I paid for that cell phone ringtone.
[] I have "x"s in my screen name.
[] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation.
[ ] I love Spam
[ ] I bake well
[X] I would wear pajamas to school.
[X I own something from Abercrombie.
[baysitting count? lol] I have a job.
[ ] I love Martha Stewart.
[X] I am in love with love.
[] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS...
[X] I am self conscious.
[X I like to laugh.
[ ] I smoke a pack a day.
[ ] I loved Go Ask Alice.
[X] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[ ] I eat fast food weekly.
[ X] I have many scars
[ ] I've been out of this country
[X] I believe in ghosts.
[X] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room
[X] I am really ticklish.
[ ] I see a therapist.
[X] I love chocolate.
[ ] I bite my nails.
[X] I am comfortable with being me.
[X] I play computer games/video games when i'm bored.
[ ] Gotten lost in your city.
[ X] Saw a shooting star
[ ] Been to any other countries
[ ] I Had a serious Surgery.
[X] Gone out in public in your pajamas
[ ] I have Kissed a Stranger.
[ ] Hugged a stranger
[ ] Been in a fist fight..
[ ] Been arrested...
[X ] Laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose.
[X] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[ ] Made out in an elevator.
[] Swore at your parents.
[X] Kicked a guy where it hurts
[ ] Been skydiving
[] Broken a bone...
[ ] Flashed someone
[ ] Saw a therapist
[ ] Played spin the bottle.
[ ] Gotten stitches...
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
[X] Bitten someone
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls
[X] Gotten the chicken pox
[ ] Crashed into a friend's car .
[ ] Been to Japan
[ ] Ridden in a taxi
[ ] Shoplifted
[ ] Been fired
[X] Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
[ ] Stole something from your job
[ ] Gone on a blind date
[X] Lied to a friend
[ ] Had a crush on a teacher.
[ ]Celebrated mardi gras in New Orleans
[ ] Been to Europe
[ ] Saw someone dying.
[X] Driven over 400 miles in one day
[ ] Been to Canada
[X] Been on a plane
[ ] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
[ ] Thrown up in a bar
[ ] Eaten Sushi.
[ ] Had sex..
[ ] Been snowboarding
[ ] Been Skiing
[X] Been ice skating
[ ] Met someone in person from the internet
[ ] Been moshing at a rock show.
[] Been to a moto cross show
[ ] Gone to college
[ ] Done hard drugs
[ ] Taken painkillers
[ ] Had someone cheat on you
[ ] Cheated on someone else.
[X] Were so bored you took this survey
Name-- sam
Middle Name-- grace
Age-- 14
Grade-- freshamn
School-- FCAHS
Color Hair-- brown
Color Eyes--hazel
Do You Have A Cell Phone-- no
Fav. Band-- wtf you i already answered this
Fav. Song-- too many
Fav.Drink-- water and im arleady sick of thsis sruvey
Fav.Food-- mmm choclate
Fav.Sport-- basketball and football
Fav.Color-- pink
Fav.Amusment Park-- k-wood
Fav.Movie-- POTO, BC, ETC.
Fav.Tv Show-- oc
Fav.Store-- ae, hollister, delias
Fav.Shirt-- idk my tree shirt?
Fav.Pants-- jeans
Fav.Mall-- RPM
*if you could describe the first day of school in one word, what would it be: wow confusing
*how many new people are there in your grade: 400 something
*did any of your best friends move away: YES MICHELLE omg baddd
*on the first day of school, do you think your teachers were acting too overly-nice: idk
*did you have to do homewok/study after the first day of school: i think i did
*did you bring your own lunch the first day: yeah
*are most of your teachers guys or gals: guys
*do you think anybody in your grade is too smart for their own good: yeah those freaks
*did you forget your locker #/combo on the first day: no lol, but i couldnt open it
*do you know of anybody in your grade that went to another country over summer vacation: yeah
*did you embarass yourself on the first day of school: i dont think so?
*did you do something stupid that made the teachers hate you right away on the first day of school: NO
*did you have to go to the bathroom but you couldn't find one at your school: yeah hahah
*did you go to a new school this year: yeah
*is one of your siblings in the same grade as you: no thank god
omg i hate surbeys now