Alright, so after a few weeks of having lost ALL 1500 of my carefully collected mp3's, I have finally resolved all my comuter problems (at this moment) and would very much like to start anew. I personally cut up allmy credit cards back when Hectore was a pup and have chosen to live my life without them. This makes it tricky siging up for things in
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Comments 10
Just make sure you have some good virus protection. If you have that, you're golden.
You can thank me later.
so I cna't get it again. Vers 4.8.1 is unavailable and you have to register for the others with some minmal monthly fee through visa.
So no go.
*hides from the download police*
If you want to share with friends and you're not comfortable using an IM program to do so, you can also use "", which is pretty kickin'. There's another one, I'll look it up shortly, that is somewhat similar.
Good luck. If you decide to go with AIM, I'll be glad to let you browse/take what you like. Just don't judge me based on what's on my pc, I put some stuff up there that I don't even like, but other people wanted it for trade.
I ma going to try a few things first wihtout aim but if they don't fly, I will be all over you like white on rice.
Is there anything in particular you like to re-aquire? I'd be very happy to upload to yousendit or another similar site, and of course I can just burn you a couple of mp3 cd's from my pc. Of course then, you'd have to get a post office box, or let me mail it to whatever is the equivalent of grand central station of your town in Canada.
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