I had my first private dentist visit today. Oh, the horrible expense! Still, seeing inside your teeth is cool. She thinks my minor toothache and temperature sensitivity is down to not flossing enough, giving me slightly inflamed gums, and possibly muscular tension (need new glasses). If you say you think you might need a filling, and the
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Comments 11
Mine too!
I've not been to a dentist since Royal Berkshire broke my face and possibly my brain. These two things may be connected...
It's probably good to get dentisted every year or so, unlike the 3+ I left it this time. Even if your teeth are made out of rocks as mine so far have managed to be. Shame RB broke you, they did such a good job pulling out the bits I didn't need. Have you had any recent brain-duck news?
Much weirder was the drugs they gave me when I had impacted wisdom teeth removed. "You'll be conscious throughout, but it will mess up your memory, and you should organise a lift home", the dentist said.
I remember coming out aferwards and thinking, "That's funny, he said it would mess up my memory, but I remember it all totally clearly".
But then, in the 10minutes it took me to get home in the taxi, the whole experience had totally vanished. I remember the canula going into my arm, and then I remember coming out and thinking I'd remembered everything, and absolutely nothing in between.
I opted to be unconscious throughout my wisdom teeth removal :)
Even the root canal (which is really just a *very* deep filling) I had a few months back was actually nothing like as bad as people make out.
He's looking for a good dentist that will quote him less than the 600 odd he's got so far, should you know of one.
Oh! And are thinking of visiting the beerfest this year?
(well, technically I had already had a filling in that tooth, which I paid maybe £35 for, but you're entitled to as many repeat visits within a certain time as needed. They decided after the second try to root canal it instead, but it all came under the initial £35.)
Even if it was a fresh one, it was < £100, IIRC.
The young (20s) dentist there is awesome. Very competent, friendly - substantially better than the private one I used to go to. Highly recommended. His name is Andrew, IIRC.
The older guy however, I wouldn't recommend.
No idea on beerfest - when?
Beerfest is apparently 1-4 May this year. The reason I ask is because CAMRA are running a promotion currently whereby if you drink a pint of real ale in 12 selected local pubs (inc. Hobgoblin, Retreat, Allied Arms, and one in Sonning), you get free entry to the beerfest and can skip the queue. I'm planning, along with some others to try and achieve this pleasant and not too hard feat of drinking.
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