eye breaks

Jun 25, 2011 17:56

Tough week -- eye neuralgia and depression and state politics and campus politics and stress, oh my! So, I plan to spend the weekend doing only enjoyable, relaxing, rejuvenating things. No budget insanity for two whole days, hurrah!

Went out late this morning to run a few errands, something I haven't had the chance to do in over a week thanks to the eye, so that was nice, even if the weather wasn't.

Back here at home, I have some paper mache fruit drying in the oven. This is mainly because over the past week, when unable to look at screens (computer and otherwise), I have been working through stacks of old junk mail, outdated receipts, etc., and shredding up the lot in a frenzy. It going against my grain to simply throw away the resulting masses of paper bits, I stewed up a giant kettle's worth, drained and pressed it, ran my crafts-use-only mixer through it to break up the fibers further, added the necessary additional gluey-elements, and now have five pounds of paper mache ready for use. I still had two pounds left from the previous batch, which I figured I better use up while it was still viable; that having been a rather chunky batch, shaping it into fruit seemed the most sensible (i.e. quick and easy) thing to do. A brief round in the oven to let it set up, a swift polish with the back of an old metal spoon, and now it's back in the oven to finish drying.

Once dried, finish-coated, sanded, primed, painted, and sealed, the pieces will look like this (except better, as my photography is terrible):

The latest batch of mache is much smoother than the batch I just used up, so I think my technique may be improving with practice (also, old thermal paper receipts turn into really great product, and there were a LOT of them in the shredder this week); I'm considering using it to make "stone" frames for tissue paper "stained glass". (One of the unintended side-benefits[1] of last weekend's Great Book Boxing effort is the improved access to my craft reference and Art books -- had a lot of fun last night paging through a history of stained glass, getting some good ideas.) I suspect it would also make up nicely into bowls and vessels. I should get busy and paint the last set I made, so that I could put it on Etsy; still nothing in the shop there other than the "candy" hearts, which really won't be heavily promotable until next Valentine's Day.

I haven't yet started painting my paper mache Tardis -- contemplating several different approaches/methods, and some things just shouldn't be rushed...

Hope you are all having relaxing weekends so far! :-)

[1] The actual intent was to free up space on the bedroom bookcases for tomes related to the Letters Project -- 1920s/1930s histories, biographies, memoirs, letter collections, literature, etc. -- and to unearth the surface of the desk in the study, so that I can actually work on the project. Assuming the eye improves in the near future, I'm looking forward to getting back to that effort.
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