1.) I have no intention of leaving LiveJournal. It is, however, no longer my primary base of operations. My primary base of operations is now
Dreamwidth, a place where things you wish were better,
actually do get better. Everything here is cross-posted from
my Dreamwidth journal. The reverse is also true: nearly everything there is cross-posted here, so if you don't have a Dreamwidth account, adding my journal here works just as well. My up-to-date
tags are on Dreamwidth only. ETA -- I check Dreamwidth more often these days, because it doesn't have pop-up ads.
2.) Nearly everyone on my present LiveJournal flist has an account there now, so while I'm certainly not "defriending" anybody, I am filtering my reading so I don't read the same posts in multiple places. If you have imported your journal to Dreamwidth, my default assumption is that you're cross-posting. If you have imported your journal but are not cross-posting, or are posting different material in each journal, please tell me, so that I don't stop reading your posts by mistake.
3.) I value comment threads as an area for people to interact, therefore I don't like dividing the comments for each post between Dreamwidth and LiveJournal. Because so many people have accounts on Dreamwidth, and because it is just as easy to comment there using your LiveJournal account, all comments are redirected to the original Dreamwidth posts. The only difference this should make is that the links on LiveJournal do not display how many comments an entry has. ETA -- Dreamwidth has fixed this.
5.) If you don't have a Dreamwidth account and want one,
you can obtain a creation code over here. Alternatively, leave a comment on this entry, and I'll send you one via LJ private message. (This holds even if I don't know you.)